clang bpf:属性 always_inline 不起作用

clang bpf: attribute always_inline does not working

我写了一个 BPF 目标文件,其中包含一个部分和一个静态内联函数,定义如下:

static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) bpf_call_func(...);
__section("entry") bpf_func(...); // called bpf_call_func

它运行良好,当我使用 llvm-objdump 时,它显示 bpf_call_func 已经被内联。


static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) bpf_call_func(...);
__section("entry") bpf_func(...); // called bpf_call_func
__section("entry2") bpf_func2(...); // called bpf_call_func

llvm-objdump 显示 bpf_call_func 没有在 bpf_funcbpf_func2 中内联。它只是定义在 .text 部分,bpf_funcbpf_func2 使用 call 指令调用 bpf_call_func.

bpf_call_func大约是600条指令。 bpf_funcbpf_func 大约是 250 条指令。

我查看了 gcc 手册,它说:

Note that certain usages in a function definition can make it unsuitable for inline substitution. Among these usages are: variadic functions, use of alloca, use of computed goto (see Labels as Values), use of nonlocal goto, use of nested functions, use of setjmp, use of __builtin_longjmp and use of __builtin_return or __builtin_apply_args. Using -Winline warns when a function marked inline could not be substituted, and gives the reason for the failure.


我想知道为什么 bpf_call_func 在有两个部分调用时不内联? 与bpf_call_func's instructions'号有关吗?

据我所知,没有办法真正强制 clang 内联一个函数,这是 clang reference for always_inline:

Inlining heuristics are disabled and inlining is always attempted regardless of optimization level.

Does not guarantee that inline substitution actually occurs.

这似乎是一个 clang 事情,因为 GCC states 它总是像属性建议的那样内联,或者抛出错误(对于单元内的调用):


Generally, functions are not inlined unless optimization is specified. For functions declared inline, this attribute inlines the function independent of any restrictions that otherwise apply to inlining. Failure to inline such a function is diagnosed as an error. Note that if such a function is called indirectly the compiler may or may not inline it depending on optimization level and a failure to inline an indirect call may or may not be diagnosed.

GCC 提供了一个 -Winline 标志,因此编译器会警告未内联的函数,但 clang ignores this:


This diagnostic flag exists for GCC compatibility, and has no effect in Clang.

因此,似乎 clang 将 always_inline 属性视为提示,并且很乐意在没有错误或警告的情况下不内联函数。在你的情况下,它可能决定你的内联函数太大了。

公平地说,除非您需要支持低于 4.16 的内核,否则这无关紧要,因为 eBPF supports functions calls nowadays.