To Iterate dataframe to check the unit and convert the units .TypeError: tuple indices must be integers or slices, not str

To Iterate dataframe to check the unit and convert the units .TypeError: tuple indices must be integers or slices, not str



UNITS ={"G/HA":0.001,"ML/100KG":0.001}

for row in df.iterrows():
  unit_factor, unit_target = UNITS[row["DOSAGE_UNIT"]]
  if unit_factor:
    row["DOSAGE"] = (
    row["DOSAGE"] * unit_factor
    if row["DOSAGE"] is not None
    else None
row["DOSAGE_UNIT"] = unit_target

您可以使用 代替您的解决方案:

df['NEW'] = df["DOSAGE_UNIT"].map(UNITS) * df['DOSAGE']