如果还没有进行则开始执行,否则等待现有执行在并发 Java 方法调用中完成

Start execution if it is not in progress yet, otherwise wait for the existing execution to finish in concurrent Java method call

假设我有一个 class 可以同时调用其方法 (process)。 这个方法做了一些不能并发执行的处理(doProcess)。此外,如果调用了 process 方法,但处理 (doProcess) 已经在进行中 - process 的调用应该等到已经开始的处理 (doProcess) 完成并且然后 return(不开始新的处理 - doProcess)。如果 none 个线程正在执行实际处理 (doProcess),则调用 process 方法只会执行实际处理 (doProcess)。

// Just imaginary example to illustrate the idea
class MyResource() {
   val lock = MyLock()
   fun process() {
      if (!lock.isLocked) {
   private fun doProcess() {
      // actual processing

上面假想示例中描述的并发问题的预期并发 (java.util.concurrent) 原语是什么?我想 ReentrantLock 但它不提供 awaitUnlocked。对于这个简单的用例,java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition 似乎太低级了。

听起来您所追求的可以通过 ConcurrentMap 来实现——更具体地说,是 computeIfAbsent。

例如,您可以运行下面的代码。有点像缓存 - 如果你想要的东西可用,只需 return 它。否则等待哪个线程先到达那里先计算它。

import java.time.Instant;
import java.util.concurrent.*;

public class ConcurrencyTest
    private final ConcurrentMap<String, String> processItems = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

    public String process()
        return processItems.computeIfAbsent("doProcess", k -> doProcess());

    private String doProcess()
            System.out.println(Instant.now() + " -> doProcess() Starting some work on " + Thread.currentThread());
            System.out.println(Instant.now() + " -> doProcess() Finished some work on " + Thread.currentThread());
            return Instant.now().toString();
        catch(Exception e)
            throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected Exception : " + e, e);

     * And to test it out.
     * @param args
     * @throws Exception
    public static void main(String... args) throws Exception
        final int THREADS = 10;
        final ConcurrencyTest test = new ConcurrencyTest();
        final ExecutorService execs = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(THREADS);
        final CountDownLatch startingGun = new CountDownLatch(1);

        for (int i = 0; i < THREADS; i++)
            execs.submit(() -> {
                System.out.println(Instant.now() + " -> Thread -> " + Thread.currentThread() + " - Awaiting Starting Gun");
                catch (InterruptedException e)
                    throw new RuntimeException("Failure waiting for the starting gun.");
                System.out.println(Instant.now() + " -> Running Thread -> " + Thread.currentThread());
                String val = test.process();
                System.out.println(Instant.now() + " -> Got back " + val + " -> " + Thread.currentThread());

        System.out.println("All tasks submitted.. waiting for 5 seconds then firing the starting gun. ");



All tasks submitted.. waiting for 5 seconds then firing the starting gun. 
2021-12-30T17:59:51.696626Z -> Thread -> Thread[pool-1-thread-3,5,main] - Awaiting Starting Gun
2021-12-30T17:59:51.696606Z -> Thread -> Thread[pool-1-thread-8,5,main] - Awaiting Starting Gun
2021-12-30T17:59:51.696245Z -> Thread -> Thread[pool-1-thread-10,5,main] - Awaiting Starting Gun
2021-12-30T17:59:51.696231Z -> Thread -> Thread[pool-1-thread-6,5,main] - Awaiting Starting Gun
2021-12-30T17:59:51.696627Z -> Thread -> Thread[pool-1-thread-5,5,main] - Awaiting Starting Gun
2021-12-30T17:59:51.696633Z -> Thread -> Thread[pool-1-thread-4,5,main] - Awaiting Starting Gun
2021-12-30T17:59:51.696274Z -> Thread -> Thread[pool-1-thread-2,5,main] - Awaiting Starting Gun
2021-12-30T17:59:51.696231Z -> Thread -> Thread[pool-1-thread-1,5,main] - Awaiting Starting Gun
2021-12-30T17:59:51.696620Z -> Thread -> Thread[pool-1-thread-7,5,main] - Awaiting Starting Gun
2021-12-30T17:59:51.696261Z -> Thread -> Thread[pool-1-thread-9,5,main] - Awaiting Starting Gun
2021-12-30T17:59:56.695927Z -> Running Thread -> Thread[pool-1-thread-5,5,main]
2021-12-30T17:59:56.696031Z -> Running Thread -> Thread[pool-1-thread-6,5,main]
2021-12-30T17:59:56.695968Z -> Running Thread -> Thread[pool-1-thread-4,5,main]
2021-12-30T17:59:56.695863Z -> Running Thread -> Thread[pool-1-thread-10,5,main]
2021-12-30T17:59:56.695832Z -> Running Thread -> Thread[pool-1-thread-8,5,main]
2021-12-30T17:59:56.696063Z -> Running Thread -> Thread[pool-1-thread-2,5,main]
2021-12-30T17:59:56.696133Z -> Running Thread -> Thread[pool-1-thread-3,5,main]
2021-12-30T17:59:56.696254Z -> Running Thread -> Thread[pool-1-thread-9,5,main]
2021-12-30T17:59:56.696230Z -> Running Thread -> Thread[pool-1-thread-7,5,main]
2021-12-30T17:59:56.696204Z -> Running Thread -> Thread[pool-1-thread-1,5,main]
2021-12-30T17:59:56.714154Z -> doProcess() Starting some work on Thread[pool-1-thread-4,5,main]
2021-12-30T17:59:56.814608Z -> doProcess() Finished some work on Thread[pool-1-thread-4,5,main]
2021-12-30T17:59:56.815375Z -> Got back 2021-12-30T17:59:56.815016Z -> Thread[pool-1-thread-5,5,main]
2021-12-30T17:59:56.815422Z -> Got back 2021-12-30T17:59:56.815016Z -> Thread[pool-1-thread-7,5,main]
2021-12-30T17:59:56.815104Z -> Got back 2021-12-30T17:59:56.815016Z -> Thread[pool-1-thread-8,5,main]
2021-12-30T17:59:56.815065Z -> Got back 2021-12-30T17:59:56.815016Z -> Thread[pool-1-thread-3,5,main]
2021-12-30T17:59:56.815093Z -> Got back 2021-12-30T17:59:56.815016Z -> Thread[pool-1-thread-2,5,main]
2021-12-30T17:59:56.815054Z -> Got back 2021-12-30T17:59:56.815016Z -> Thread[pool-1-thread-4,5,main]
2021-12-30T17:59:56.815420Z -> Got back 2021-12-30T17:59:56.815016Z -> Thread[pool-1-thread-6,5,main]
2021-12-30T17:59:56.815387Z -> Got back 2021-12-30T17:59:56.815016Z -> Thread[pool-1-thread-1,5,main]
2021-12-30T17:59:56.815077Z -> Got back 2021-12-30T17:59:56.815016Z -> Thread[pool-1-thread-9,5,main]
2021-12-30T17:59:56.815435Z -> Got back 2021-12-30T17:59:56.815016Z -> Thread[pool-1-thread-10,5,main]