
Loop Nesting Issue, Items not Properly Referenced

我编写了一个程序,它采用三个样本 objects 的元组(不确定它们是否真的 objects,但我在这里将它们标记为这样),并进行比较元组或其中的项目到“收藏夹”元组。然而,当我 运行 这个时:

import random

favorite_food = ['sushi', 'spaghetti', 'pizza', 'hamburgers', 'sandwiches']
favorite_taste = ['spicy', 'sweet', 'savory', 'sour', 'bitter', 'salty']
chosen_ff = random.choice(favorite_food)
chosen_ft = random.choice(favorite_taste)

test_food1 = ('salty', 'pizza')
test_food2 = ('sweet', 'sandwiches')
test_food3 = ('sour', 'sushi')
foods = (test_food1, test_food2, test_food3)
favorites = (chosen_ft, chosen_ff)

def foodresults():
    points = 0
    for food in foods:
        for item in food:
            print(food[0], food[1])
            if item in favorites:
                print("You got a match, nice job! +1 point")
                points = points + 1
            elif food == favorites:
                print("Wow, it couldn't have enjoyed it more! +2 points")
                points = points + 2
                print("It didn't like it very much...")



salty pizza
You got a match, nice job! +1 point
salty pizza
It didn't like it very much...
sweet sandwiches
It didn't like it very much...
sweet sandwiches
It didn't like it very much...
sour sushi
It didn't like it very much...
sour sushi
You got a match, nice job! +1 point

如果我continue每次到达第二个项目时,它就将其从评分系统中取出,只检查第一个项目,反之亦然。有没有一种方法可以检查满足 if item in favorites 条件的两个项目,只打印一行?

您可以重构您的代码以使用单个循环和 zip+map+sum 来计算匹配数。


def foodresults():
    points = 0
    sentences = {0: "It didn't like it very much...",
                 1: "You got a match, nice job! +1 point",
                 2: "Wow, it couldn't have enjoyed it more! +2 points",
    for food in foods:
        matches = sum(map(lambda x: x[0]==x[1], zip(favorites, food)))
        points += matches

    print(f'You got a total of {points} points!')



salty pizza
It didn't like it very much...
sweet sandwiches
Wow, it couldn't have enjoyed it more! +2 points
sour sandwiches
You got a match, nice job! +1 point
You got a total of 3 points!


favorites = ('sweet', 'sandwiches')
foods = (('salty', 'pizza'),
         ('sweet', 'sandwiches'),
         ('sour', 'sandwiches'))