是什么使得在 Rust 中需要函数指针类型的地方可以使用闭包类型?

What enables a closure type to be used where a function pointer type is expected in Rust?


fn takes_ptr(_f: fn(u32) -> u32) {}

fn main() {
    let closure = |n| n;

related: there's another question that asks what enables pointer types to be used where closure types are expected:


不捕获任何变量的闭包实际上与普通函数相同,这听起来像是。此行为在 RFC 1558 中定义,它表示:

A closure that does not move, borrow, or otherwise access (capture) local variables should be coercable to a function pointer (fn).

所以 |n| n 可以被强制转换,因为它不捕获任何局部变量,但是 |n| n + a 不能被转换,因为它从外部环境捕获变量 a