Angular.js 和 API 的错误访问控制允许来源 Laravel5.1
Error Access-Control-Allow-Origin With Angular.js and API with Laravel5.1
我正在使用 Laravel 5.1 和 Angular.js 开发应用程序,当我尝试连接时出现下一个错误:
XMLHttpRequest cannot load http://localhost:8000/university. No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'http://localhost:9000' is therefore not allowed access.
我在 angular 中有下一个代码:
.controller('UniversityCtrl', function ($scope, $resource) {
Universities = $resource("http://localhost:8000/university/:id",{id: "@id"});
$scope.Universities = Universities.query();
<tr ng-repeat="Universities in University">
和我的 Laravel 代码:
public function index()
$universities = university::all();
return response()->json(
谢谢 :D
单独安装此 package 作者:barryvdh
我正在使用 Laravel 5.1 和 Angular.js 开发应用程序,当我尝试连接时出现下一个错误:
XMLHttpRequest cannot load http://localhost:8000/university. No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'http://localhost:9000' is therefore not allowed access.
我在 angular 中有下一个代码:
.controller('UniversityCtrl', function ($scope, $resource) {
Universities = $resource("http://localhost:8000/university/:id",{id: "@id"});
$scope.Universities = Universities.query();
<tr ng-repeat="Universities in University">
和我的 Laravel 代码:
public function index()
$universities = university::all();
return response()->json(
谢谢 :D
单独安装此 package 作者:barryvdh