如何在 for 循环中使用 switch case?

How to use a switch case inside a for loop?

我正在用 C++ 编程语言编写测验程序。我使用了一个 for 循环来遍历每个 switch case,但是当我 运行 程序时,它只是继续循环 case 0 并且在我回答我的测验后无法停止循环。我该如何解决?

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std ;

void quiz_count () ;
void display_question () ;
void question (string question , string a , string b , string c , string d , char correct_answer) ;
void result () ;

int question_num = 0 ;
int correct = 0 ;
int wrong = 0 ;

int main ()
    display_question() ;
    return 0 ;

void quiz_count ()
    system("cls") ;
    cout << "Question Number: " << question_num << "\t\t Correct Answer:" << correct << "\t\t Wrong Answer:" << wrong << endl << endl ;
    display_question () ;

void display_question()
    for (int i=0; i<10 ; i++)
        switch (i)
            case 0 :
                question ( "1) What is recycling?" , "Buying new clothes" , "Collecting and using materials to make something new" , "Throwing things in garbage can" , "Selling items" , 'b' ) ;
                break ;
            case 1 :
                question ( "2) What are the 3R's of the recycling?" , "Redirect, Rude, Round" , "Respectful, Responsible, Right" , "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle" , "Rewrite, Rewind, Respond" , 'c') ;
                break ;
            case 2 :
                question ( "3) What goes into the green bin?" , "plastic" , "glass" , "cans" , "paper" , 'b' ) ;
                break ;
    result () ; 

void result ()
    system("cls") ; 
    cout << "The total of question is :" << question_num << endl ;
    cout << "The correct answer from you is :" << correct << endl ;
    cout << "The wrong answer from you is :" << wrong << endl ; 

void question (string question , string a , string b , string c , string d , char correct_answer)
    cout << question << endl ;
    cout << "A. \t" << a << endl ;
    cout << "B. \t" << b << endl ;
    cout << "C. \t" << c << endl ;
    cout << "D. \t" << d << endl ;
    char answer ;
    cout << "Please enter your answer here :" ;
    cin>>answer ;
    if (answer == correct_answer)
        correct ++;
        wrong ++ ;
    question_num ++ ;
    quiz_count() ;

问题不是循环 + switch,而是您使用的无限递归:

  1. display_question() 呼叫 question()
  2. question() 呼叫 quiz_count()
  3. quiz_count() 调用了 display_question(),所以您回到了第 1 步。

您观察到的 i 的值只是对 display_question 函数的不同调用的值。

通过从 quiz_count 中删除 display_question() 调用,您可能会得到想要的结果。然而,loop 和 switch 的组合在这里不是一个好的选择。除了更容易理解之外,以下实现产生相同的结果:

void display_question()
    question ( "1) What is recycling?" , "Buying new clothes" , "Collecting and using materials to make something new" , "Throwing things in garbage can" , "Selling items" , 'b' ) ;
    question ( "2) What are the 3R's of the recycling?" , "Redirect, Rude, Round" , "Respectful, Responsible, Right" , "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle" , "Rewrite, Rewind, Respond" , 'c') ;
    question ( "3) What goes into the green bin?" , "plastic" , "glass" , "cans" , "paper" , 'b' ) ;

    result () ; 