
Update Recoil state from async function

我有一个应用程序可以在按下按钮时执行 API 操作。当动作结束时,我更新一个 Recoil 状态。但问题是,当我尝试更新状态时,我用更新后的新状态替换旧状态,并且在异步上下文中,我不知道如何在执行代码时获取当前状态。

const [tasks, setTasks] = useRecoilState(tasksState);

const handleAction = async (task: Task): Promise<void> => {
  try {
    // some async stuff here with an API

    // update the recoil state here
    // MY ISSUE HERE is that the "tasks" state is not the one at the moment where the code is executed after the API response, 
    // but at the moment where handleAction has been called...
    // So I can override the state with old values, previously updated from an other handleAction ended earlier.
    const newTasks = updateTasks(tasks, anOtherParameterFromApiResponse);
  } catch(error){
    console.log("error: ", error);


注意:我的状态是一个对象数组,我的 updateTasks() 函数是一个从这个数组更新对象的函数,所以我可以用这个计算数组更新状态。



我从我的任务 'atom' 创建了一个 'selector',并在自定义 'set' 方法中委托了新对象与对象数组状态的聚合。感谢参数中提供的 'get' 方法,我可以访问最新的对象数组状态。

selectors.ts :

 * Allow to update the tasksState by passing in parameter the task to update
 * That way we can call this from an async context and updating value by agreagating to the eventual new ones
export const taskUnitUpdaterSelector = selector<Task>({
  key: "taskUnitUpdaterSelector",
  get: () => {
    throw new Error("Not implemented !");
  set: ({ get, set }, newTask: Docker) => {
    const tasks = get(tasksState);
    // remove from tasks list the new one updated to add it then
    const tasksCloneWithoutNewUpdatedOne = tasks.filter(
    (t) => !(t.name === newTask.name && t.server === newTask.server),
  const newTasks = [...tasksCloneWithoutNewUpdatedOne , newTask];
  set(tasksState , newTasks);


const taskUnitUpdater = useSetRecoilState(taskUnitUpdaterSelector);

const handleAction = async (task: Task): Promise<void> => {
  try {
    // some async stuff here with an API

    // the new tasks array is computed inside the selector set function to be able to access to up to date data !
    taskUnitUpdater(newTask );
  } catch(error){
    console.log("error: ", error);