将一列中的值附加到同一数据框中的另一 JSON 列

Append values from one column to another JSON column in the same dataframe


|       Noun| Pronoun|  Adjective|Metadata                        |
|      Homer| Simpson|Engineer   |{"Age": "50", "Country": "USA"} | 
|      Elon | Musk   |King       |{"Age": "45", "Country": "RSA"} |
|      Bart | Lee    |Cricketer  |{"Age": "35", "Country": "AUS"} |
|      Lisa | Jobs   |Daughter   |{"Age": "35", "Country": "IND"} |
|      Joe  | Root   |Player     |{"Age": "31", "Country": "ENG"} |

我想将另一列(比如 Adjective)的值附加到 Metadata 列中。这样最终的数据框将如下所示:

|       Noun| Pronoun|  Adjective|Metadata                                                    |
|      Homer| Simpson|Engineer   |{"Age": "50", "Country": "USA", "Adjective": "Engineer"}    | 
|      Elon | Musk   |King       |{"Age": "45", "Country": "RSA", "Adjective": "King"}        |
|      Bart | Lee    |Cricketer  |{"Age": "35", "Country": "AUS", "Adjective": "Cricketer"}   |
|      Lisa | Jobs   |Daughter   |{"Age": "35", "Country": "IND", "Adjective": "Daughter"}    |
|      Joe  | Root   |Player     |{"Age": "31", "Country": "ENG", "Adjective": "Player"}      |


假设您的列 Metadata 包含 JSON 个字符串,您可以先使用 from_json 函数将其转换为 MapType,然后使用 [=14 添加您想要的列=] 最后使用 to_json:

再次转换为 JSON 字符串
val df2 = df.withColumn(
    from_json(col("Metadata"), lit("map<string,string>"))
    to_json(map_concat(col("Metadata"), map(lit("Adjective"), col("Adjective"))))


//|Noun |Pronoun|Adjective|Metadata                                            |
//|Homer|Simpson|Engineer |{"Age":"50","Country":"USA","Adjective":"Engineer"} |
//|Elon |Musk   |King     |{"Age":"45","Country":"RSA","Adjective":"King"}     |
//|Bart |Lee    |Cricketer|{"Age":"35","Country":"AUS","Adjective":"Cricketer"}|
//|Lisa |Jobs   |Daughter |{"Age":"35","Country":"IND","Adjective":"Daughter"} |
//|Joe  |Root   |Player   |{"Age":"31","Country":"ENG","Adjective":"Player"}   |

这也可以使用转换为 StructType 而不是 MapType 来完成,但在这种情况下 map 更通用。