伪代码 -> C++,有什么技巧吗?
Pseudocode -> C++, any tips?
async function findPath(from, to){
/* 1 */ visited[from.y][from.x]=true;
await sleep(150)
/* 2 */ if (from.x === to.x && from.y === to.y) return true;
/* 3 */ let neighbours = getNeighbours(from.x, from.y);
/* 4 */ for (let n in neighbours) {
/* 1 */ if (visited[neighbours[n].y][neighbours[n].x] === 0){
/* 1 */ if (await findPath(neighbours[n], to)) return true
/* 5 */ visited[from.y][from.x] = false;
/* 6 */ return false;
const maze = [
const visited = [
const c = document.querySelector("canvas");
const h2 = document.querySelector("h2");
const ctx = c.getContext("2d");
const f = {x: 0, y: 0 } // from (red)
const t = {x: 11, y: 11} // to (green)
const CANVAS_SIZE = 120;
const sz = CANVAS_SIZE / maze.length;
function drawMaze() {
for (let y = 0; y < maze.length; y++ ){
for (let x = 0; x < maze[0].length; x++ ){
ctx.fillStyle = maze[y][x] === 0 ? "white": "black";
ctx.fillRect(x * sz, y * sz, sz, sz);
if (visited[y][x]){
ctx.fillStyle = "lightblue"
ctx.fillRect(x * sz, y * sz, sz, sz);
// draw start point
ctx.fillStyle = "red"
ctx.fillRect(f.x * sz, f.y * sz, sz, sz);
// draw finish point
ctx.fillStyle = "green"
ctx.fillRect(t.x * sz, t.y * sz, sz, sz);
function isValidStep({x, y}){
if (x < 0
|| x >= maze[0].length
|| y < 0
|| y >= maze.length
) return false
return true
function getNeighbours(x, y){
let neighbours = {}
if (isValidStep({x: x - 1, y})
&& maze[y][x - 1] === 0) {
neighbours.left = { x: x - 1, y}
if (isValidStep({x, y: y - 1})
&& maze[y - 1][x] === 0) {
neighbours.top ={x, y: y - 1}
if (isValidStep({x: x + 1, y})
&& maze[y][x + 1] === 0) {
neighbours.right = {x: x + 1, y }
if (isValidStep({x, y: y + 1})
&& maze[y + 1][x] === 0) {
neighbours.bottom = {x, y: y + 1}
return neighbours
function sleep(ms) {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
async function test(){
const result = await findPath(f, t) ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"
<meta content="">
canvas {
border: 1px solid black;
height: 120px;
width: 120px;
<canvas height="120" width="120"></canvas>
async function findPath(from, to){
/* 1 */ visited[from.y][from.x]=true;
await sleep(150)
/* 2 */ if (from.x === to.x && from.y === to.y) return true;
/* 3 */ let neighbours = getNeighbours(from.x, from.y);
/* 4 */ for (let n in neighbours) {
/* 1 */ if (visited[neighbours[n].y][neighbours[n].x] === 0){
/* 1 */ if (await findPath(neighbours[n], to)) return true
/* 5 */ visited[from.y][from.x] = false;
/* 6 */ return false;
const maze = [
const visited = [
const c = document.querySelector("canvas");
const h2 = document.querySelector("h2");
const ctx = c.getContext("2d");
const f = {x: 0, y: 0 } // from (red)
const t = {x: 11, y: 11} // to (green)
const CANVAS_SIZE = 120;
const sz = CANVAS_SIZE / maze.length;
function drawMaze() {
for (let y = 0; y < maze.length; y++ ){
for (let x = 0; x < maze[0].length; x++ ){
ctx.fillStyle = maze[y][x] === 0 ? "white": "black";
ctx.fillRect(x * sz, y * sz, sz, sz);
if (visited[y][x]){
ctx.fillStyle = "lightblue"
ctx.fillRect(x * sz, y * sz, sz, sz);
// draw start point
ctx.fillStyle = "red"
ctx.fillRect(f.x * sz, f.y * sz, sz, sz);
// draw finish point
ctx.fillStyle = "green"
ctx.fillRect(t.x * sz, t.y * sz, sz, sz);
function isValidStep({x, y}){
if (x < 0
|| x >= maze[0].length
|| y < 0
|| y >= maze.length
) return false
return true
function getNeighbours(x, y){
let neighbours = {}
if (isValidStep({x: x - 1, y})
&& maze[y][x - 1] === 0) {
neighbours.left = { x: x - 1, y}
if (isValidStep({x, y: y - 1})
&& maze[y - 1][x] === 0) {
neighbours.top ={x, y: y - 1}
if (isValidStep({x: x + 1, y})
&& maze[y][x + 1] === 0) {
neighbours.right = {x: x + 1, y }
if (isValidStep({x, y: y + 1})
&& maze[y + 1][x] === 0) {
neighbours.bottom = {x, y: y + 1}
return neighbours
function sleep(ms) {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));
async function test(){
const result = await findPath(f, t) ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"
<meta content="">
canvas {
border: 1px solid black;
height: 120px;
width: 120px;
<canvas height="120" width="120"></canvas>