
javascript calculate the difference between two hours

有个问题很棘手。创建一个接受字符串参数的函数,例如 2:00 p.m.5:50 a.m.

您不得使用 momentjs 或任何其他第三方库。


7:00 a.m. 吃早餐。 12:00 p.m. 吃午饭。 7:00 p.m. 吃晚饭。

该函数应该 return 一个数组,其中第一个和第二个元素代表小时和分钟,如下所示:

eat("2:00 a.m.") // [5, 0];
eat("5:50 p.m.") // [1, 10];

您可以先创建一个 minutesSinceMidnight() 函数,以获取给定输入字符串自午夜以来的时间(以分钟为单位)。

然后我们将创建 timeToEat() 函数,该函数将从查找下一次用餐时间开始。

找到后,我们将以分钟为单位计算出下一顿饭的时间,并使用以下方法转换为小时和分钟 minutesToHoursAndMinutes() 函数。

function minutesSinceMidnight(timeStr) {
    let rg = /(\d{1,2})\:(\d{1,2})\s+([ap])\.?m/
    let [,hour, minute, am] = rg.exec(timeStr);
    hour = Number(hour);
    if (am === 'a' && hour === 12) hour -= 12;
    if (am === 'p' && hour < 12) hour += 12;
    return hour * 60 + Number(minute);

function minutesToHoursAndMinutes(totalMinutes) {
    let hours = Math.floor(totalMinutes / 60);
    let minutes = totalMinutes % 60;
    return [ hours, minutes]

function timeToEat(timeStr) {
    let currentTime = minutesSinceMidnight(timeStr);
    let mealTimes = ['7:00 a.m', '12:00 p.m.', '7:00 p.m.'].map(minutesSinceMidnight);
    let nextMealTime = mealTimes.find(mealTime => mealTime >= currentTime);
    // No meal found...
    if (nextMealTime === undefined) {
        return nextMealTime;
    let timeToNextMealMinutes = nextMealTime - currentTime;
    return minutesToHoursAndMinutes(timeToNextMealMinutes);

console.log(timeToEat("2:00 a.m."));
console.log(timeToEat("5:50 p.m."));
console.log(timeToEat("6:30 p.m."));
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }



以下是经过一些测试的简单实现。理想情况下,数据不会嵌入到 timeToNextMeal 函数中,这样更容易维护。

// Convert timestamp in h:mm ap format to minutes, 
// E.g. 2:30 p.m. is 870 minutes
function timeToMins(time) {
  // Get parts of time
  let [h, m, ap] = time.split(/\W/);
  // Set hours based on value and am/pm
  h = h%12 + (/^a/i.test(ap)? 0 : 12);
  // Return minutes
  return h*60 + m*1;

// Convert minutes to array [hours, minutes]
function minsToHM(mins) {
  return [mins/60 | 0, mins % 60];

function timeToNextMeal(date = new Date()) {
  let data = {
    'lunch'    : '12:00 p.m.',
    'breakfast': '7:00 a.m.',
    'dinner'   : '7:00 p.m.'
  let minsToMeal = 0;
  // Get meal names, ensure sorted by time
  let meals = Object.keys(data).sort((a,b) =>
    timeToMins(data[a]) - timeToMins(data[b])
  // Convert time to minutes
  let mins = date.getHours() * 60 + date.getMinutes();
  // Get next mealtime
  let nextMeal = meals.find(meal => timeToMins(data[meal]) > mins);
  // If undefined, next meal is first meal tomorrow
  if (!nextMeal) {
    minsToMeal += 1440 - mins;
    mins = 0;
    nextMeal = meals[0];
  // Get minutes to next meal
  minsToMeal += timeToMins(data[nextMeal]) - mins;
  // Convert minutes to array [H,m]
  return minsToHM(minsToMeal);

// Examples
[new Date(2022,0,6, 4),    //  4 am
 new Date(2022,0,6, 5,58), //  5:58 am
 new Date(2022,0,6, 9,30), //  9:30 am
 new Date(2022,0,6,17,30), //  5:30 pm
 new Date(2022,0,6,20, 0), //  8:00 pm
].forEach(d => console.log(
 `${d.toLocaleTimeString('en-NZ')} ${timeToNextMeal(d)}`