扁平化猫中的混合嵌套单子(构成复杂的 Kleislis)

Flattening mixed nested monads in cats (composing complex Kleislis)

我想了解我应该如何编写 return“复杂”类型(例如 F[Either[A,B]])的 Kleislis。这是我的意思的一个例子:

这是一个简单的案例 - 给定两个 Kleislis

val parseRegistration: Kleisli[Result, Auth.Registration, Auth.Registration] = ???
val hashPassword: Kleisli[Result, Auth.Registration, Auth.Registration] = ???


val validateAndHash = parseRegistration andThen hashPassword


然而,鉴于更复杂的 Kleisli 类型(其中 return 值是 Either[A, B]),我无法直接组合它们(因为我最终得到 F[Either[A,B]] Kleisli 只期望 F[A]).

// relevant type definitions
final case class ServiceError(kind: ErrorKind, message: String = "", cause: Option[Throwable] = None)
final type Result[A] = Either[ServiceError, A]
final case class Registration(email: String, password: String)
final case class Registered(session: Session)

val createUser: Kleisli[F, Auth.Registration, Result[Long]] = ???
val createSession: Kleisli[F, Long, Result[Session]] = ???

// does not compile (no overloaded alternatives match the arguments) - I expected this as  
// createUser returns F[Result[Long]] and the createSession Kleisli expects only F[Long]
val createUserAndSession = createUser andThen createSession


val r1 = validateAndHash(info) // Result[Auth.Registration]
val r2 = r1.map(i => createUser(i)) // Either[ServiceError, F[Result[Long]]]
val r3 = r2.map(_.map(_.map(uid => createSession(uid).map(_.map(Auth.Registered.apply)))))
// Now I've got an Either[ServiceError, F[Either[ServiceError, F[Either[ServiceError, Auth.Registered]]]]]
// in r3! I wanted to end up with F[Result[Auth.Registered]]

所以我最终导致嵌套越来越多,flatten 似乎没有帮助,因为 FResult 不能相互压平。

我敢肯定这是经验丰富的 scala cats 程序员经常遇到的问题,所以如果您能帮助我了解如何避免让自己陷入这种困境,我将不胜感激?



  def invert[S, F[_]: Monad, V](e: Either[S, F[V]]): F[Either[S, V]] =
    e match {
      case Left(s) => Monad[F].pure(Left(s))
      case Right(fv) => fv.map(Right(_))


val r1 = validateAndHash(info)
val r2 = invert(r1.map(i => createUser(i))).map(_.flatten)
val r3 = r2.map( i => invert(i.map(uid => createSession(uid).map(_.map(Auth.Registered.apply)))).map(_.flatten))
val r4 = Monad[F].flatten(r3)

这看起来……笨拙?而且对 Either 来说太具体了。有没有更简洁的方法使用猫内置的东西来做到这一点?

我宁愿组合值也不愿玩 Kleisli,尤其是因为 EitherT 使这变得非常简单。

首先,让我们将 createUsercreateSession 重构为普通方法:

def createUser[F[_]](registration: Registration): F[Result[Long]] = ???
def createSession[F[_]](long: Long): F[Result[Session]] = ???

现在让我们实施 createUserAndSession

import cats.Monad
import cats.data.EitherT

def createUserAndSession[F[_]](registration: Registration)(implicit ev: Monad[F]): F[Result[Session]] =