使用 Haskell 在 dfs 中处理后继者

Processing successors in dfs with Haskell

考虑以下 Python 函数,它在给定节点的后继者的情况下访问它们并收集结果。 (在实践中,此逻辑将构成递归 visit 函数的一部分。)

from typing import Any, Callable, Tuple, List, Set
Node_key = Any
Discovered = Set[Node_key]
Result = Any

def get_successor_results(visit: Callable[[Discovered, Node_key], 
                                          Tuple[Discovered, Result]],
                          successors: List[Node_key],
                          disc: Discovered) -> List[Result]:
    results = []
    for succ in successors:
        if succ not in disc:
            disc, result = visit(disc, succ)
    return results

(对于上下文,这将是 df-traverse 函数的一部分,给定一个图和一个函数 combiner :: Node_key -> [Result] -> Result 相当于构建深度优先森林并调用 fold-tree combiner每棵树。)

My Question: How would you write get_successor_results in Haskell?


get-successor-results visit successors disc = 
  reverse . first . conditional-fold 
                      (\(d, _) node -> not (elem node d))
                      (cons-next-result visit)
                      (empty-set, [])
    cons-next-result visit _@(disc, results) node =
      let (disc-new, result) = visit disc node
      in (disc-new, result:results)
    conditional-fold p folder e xs = case xs of 
      {[] -> e;
       x:xs' -> if p e x then conditional-fold p folder (folder e x) xs'
                else conditional-fold p folder e xs'}


get_successor_results ::
    (node_key -> discovered -> Bool) ->
    (node_key -> State discovered result) ->
    [node_key] ->
    State discovered [result]
get_successor_results not_in visit successors = do
    results <- for successors $ \succ -> do
        should_visit <- gets (succ `not_in`)
        if should_visit
            then Just <$> visit succ
            else return Nothing
    return (catMaybes results)

希望与您的 Python 代码的相似之处很清楚。这里唯一真正的转折点是使用 Nothing 作为您不想访问的后继者的占位符,并在第二步将它们剥离。当然,我建议你使用驼峰命名;这是 Haskell 中的一个强有力的约定,因此它将更好地融入现有的库调用,但我希望相似之处尽可能明显,所以我尽可能使用与您的 Python 代码相同的名称。