如果块引用恰好在段落 <p> 标记中可以吗?

Is it ok if a blockquote happens to be in a paragraph <p> tag?

我读过 ,所以我明白为什么 blockquote 本身可以包含 p 元素。但是,我觉得这在原则上不应该排除 blockquote 可能恰好在 p 元素中;毕竟,blockquote 中的 p 是相对于引用文本的段落,但为什么引用文本不能成为包含文档的更大段落的一部分?


<p>This is a paragraph</p>

<p> This is another paragraph: with a &lt;blockquote&gt; in it
<blockquote>some long quote</blockquote>
which (notice the lower case <i>w</i>) I write something about here, so it makes sense I'm not starting a new parapgraph, imho.
</p> <!-- this very editor highlights "p>" in red -->

Is it ok if a blockquote happens to be in a paragraph <p> tag?


blockquote 元素的开始将隐式结束 p 元素。

这就是 p 元素的结束标记显示为红色的原因:没有匹配的开始标记,因为该元素已经关闭。

p { background: yellow; }
<p>This is a paragraph</p>

<p> This is another paragraph: with a &lt;blockquote&gt; after it
<blockquote>some long quote</blockquote>
and this isn't inside a paragraph as you can tell because the CSS doesn't give it a yellow background
</p> <!-- this very editor highlights "p>" in red -->

请参阅 the standard 了解 blockquote 的用途。在引号内 p 是允许的,但反之则不行。但是,您可以在文章或章节中使用块引用。
