如何在 Maven 中将文件部署到 Artifactory?
How do I deploy files to Artifactory in Maven?
我当前的 pom 配置为将 jar 部署到我的工件中。
此外,还有一个运行 jar 的 bash 脚本,我也将其保存在我的项目中。
我也想将这个脚本(与 jar 分开)部署到我的同一版本下的人工制品中。
可能吗?如果是这样,我应该在 pom 中添加什么才能做到这一点?
您可以使用deploy:deploy-file goal from Apache Maven Deploy Plugin
<!-- other plugins ...-->
<phase>deploy</phase> <!-- change this if you need another phase -->
<groupId>${project.groupId}-script</groupId><!-- whatever you want -->
<artifactId>${project.groupId}</artifactId><!-- same groupId as the project, you can choose another one-->
<version>${project.version}</version><!-- same version as the project, but you can choose another one -->
<file><!-- path to your script --></file>
<pomFile> <!-- path to the pom file of the script --></pomFile>
<generatePom><!-- but maybe you don't want a pom file for the script, so set this to false--></generatePom>
<repositoryId><!-- the one configured in your settings.xml and distributionManagement --></repositoryId>
<url><!-- the one configured in your settings.xml and distributionManagement --></url>
我当前的 pom 配置为将 jar 部署到我的工件中。 此外,还有一个运行 jar 的 bash 脚本,我也将其保存在我的项目中。 我也想将这个脚本(与 jar 分开)部署到我的同一版本下的人工制品中。
可能吗?如果是这样,我应该在 pom 中添加什么才能做到这一点?
您可以使用deploy:deploy-file goal from Apache Maven Deploy Plugin
<!-- other plugins ...-->
<phase>deploy</phase> <!-- change this if you need another phase -->
<groupId>${project.groupId}-script</groupId><!-- whatever you want -->
<artifactId>${project.groupId}</artifactId><!-- same groupId as the project, you can choose another one-->
<version>${project.version}</version><!-- same version as the project, but you can choose another one -->
<file><!-- path to your script --></file>
<pomFile> <!-- path to the pom file of the script --></pomFile>
<generatePom><!-- but maybe you don't want a pom file for the script, so set this to false--></generatePom>
<repositoryId><!-- the one configured in your settings.xml and distributionManagement --></repositoryId>
<url><!-- the one configured in your settings.xml and distributionManagement --></url>