
most efficient way to find all the anagrams of each word in a list

我一直在尝试创建一个程序,该程序可以为文本文件中的每个单词(包含大约 ~370k 个由“\n”分隔的单词)找到所有字谜(在列表中)。

我已经在python中编写了代码。我花了大约一个小时才到达 运行。只是想知道是否有更有效的方法。


from tqdm.auto import tqdm

ls = open("words.txt","r").readlines()
ls = [i[:-1] for i in ls]
ls = [[i,''.join(sorted(i))] for i in ls]
ln = set([len(i[1]) for i in tqdm(ls)])

df = {}
for l in tqdm(ln):
    df[l] = [i for i in ls if len(i[0]) == l]

full = {}
for m in  tqdm(ls):
    if full.get(m[0]) == None:
        temp = []
        for i in df[len(m[0])]:
            if i[1] == m[1] and i[0] != m[0]:
        for i in temp:
            full[i] = temp

如果有更有效的方法用其他语言(Rust、C、C++、Java ...)编写此代码,如果您也可以 post :)

使用按字符字母顺序排序的单词作为搜索关键字是前进的方向。也许您已经在您的代码中使用这一行来执行此操作(我几乎从不使用 python):

[[i,''.join(sorted(i))] for i in ls]

无论如何,这是我的 C++ 解决您的问题。 现场演示:https://onlinegdb.com/_gauHBd_3

#include <algorithm>        // for sorting
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>    // for storing words/anagrams
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <set>

// create a class that will hold all words
class dictionary_t
    // load a text file with one word per line
    void load(const std::string& filename)
        std::ifstream file{ filename };
        std::string word;

        while (file >> word)

    auto& find_anagrams(const std::string& word)
        const auto key = get_key(word);

        // intentionally allow an empty entry to be made if word has no anagrams yet
        // for readability easier error handling (not for space/time efficiency)
        auto& anagrams = m_anagrams[key];

        return anagrams;

    // show all anagrams for a word
    void show_anagrams(const std::string& word)
        std::cout << "anagrams for word '" << word << "' are : ";
        auto anagrams = find_anagrams(word);

        for (const auto& anagram : anagrams)
            if (anagram != word)
                std::cout << anagram << " ";

        std::cout << "\n";

    // this function is key to the whole idea
    // two words are anagrams if they sort their letters
    // to the same order. e.g. beast and betas both sort (alphabetically) to abest 
    std::string get_key(const std::string& word)
        std::string key{ word };
        // all anagrams sort to the same order of characters.
        std::sort(key.begin(), key.end()); 
        return key;

    void add_anagram(const std::string& word)
        // find the vector of anagrams for this word
        auto& anagrams = find_anagrams(word);

        // then add word to it (I use a set so all words will be unique even
        // if input file contains duplicates)

    std::unordered_map<std::string, std::set<std::string>> m_anagrams;

int main()
    dictionary_t dictionary;


    return 0;