如何使用 psycopg3 创建数据库?

How to create a database using psycopg3?


conn = psycopg.connect(dsn)
conn.execute("CREATE DATABASE test")

这是关于 psycopg3 中事务的文档:https://www.psycopg.org/psycopg3/docs/basic/transactions.html


Psycopg has a behaviour that may seem surprising compared to psql: by default, any database operation will start a new transaction.

这是一个相当长的页面,但它没有告诉任何地方如何在不启动新事务的情况下执行语句。 connect() 有一个 autocommit=True 参数,但它也不起作用。


psycopg.errors.ActiveSqlTransaction: CREATE DATABASE cannot run inside a transaction block

如何使用 psycopg3 创建数据库?


>>> conn = psycopg.connect(dbname='postgres', autocommit=True)
>>> cur = conn.cursor()
>>> cur.execute('drop database if exists test3')
<psycopg.Cursor [COMMAND_OK] [IDLE] (user=xxx database=postgres) at 0x7f438ef92f00>
>>> cur.execute('create database test3')
<psycopg.Cursor [COMMAND_OK] [IDLE] (user=xxx database=postgres) at 0x7f438ef92f00>
xxx@host psql postgres -tl | grep test3
 test3             │ xxx      │ UTF8     │ en_GB.UTF-8 │ en_GB.UTF-8 │