MongoDB 聚合管道项目来自同一 ID 的多个值
MongoDB aggregation pipeline project several values from the same id
我正在努力处理 mongoDB 管道。我正在研究处理数据的 MERN 堆栈。
我们通过表格向人们提问,表格被描述为一个会话,例如每人一次。每个会话都记录在 table 中:
{ _id: 1, created_at:"01/01/2021"}
{ _id: 2, created_at:"02/01/2021"}
{ _id: 3, created_at:"03/01/2021"}
他们所有的答案都存储在一个 table 中,就像外键是 sessionId:
{ _id: 1, value:"Name1", sessionId : 1, typeofField :"name"}
{ _id: 2, value:"Firstname1", sessionId : 1, typeofField :"firstname"}
{ _id: 3, value:"Date of birth1", sessionId : 1, typeofField :"birthdate"}
{ _id: 4, value:"Name2", sessionId : 2, typeofField :"name"}
{ _id: 5, value:"Firstname2", sessionId : 2, typeofField :"firstname"}
{ _id: 6, value:"Date of birth2", sessionId : 2, typeofField :"birthdate"}
{id :1, created_at:"01/01/2021", name : "Name1", firstname: "Firstname1", birthdate : "Date of Birth1"}
{id :2, created_at:"02/01/2021", name : "Name2", firstname: "Firstname2", birthdate : "Date of Birth2"}
- 找到
阶段 会话的所有答案
- 将所有答案转换为一个对象,例如:
{ [typeofField]: value }
- 将所有答案合并到一个对象
- 最后将新转换的
如果您不了解管道,我已经创建了一个 mongodb 游乐场 (Playground Link),所以请尝试一次执行一个阶段。
请自行参考此管道中使用的 stages 和 operators 的文档。 $lookup, $addFields, $arrayToObject, $mergeObjects, $replaceRoot, $unset.
注意:确保 $lookup
阶段 as
字段使用的值不会出现在 answers 中 收集 typeofField
,否则它将在 $unset
阶段被删除。因此,对于 answers 集合下方的管道,不应包含 { ... typeofField: "allAnswers" ... }
$lookup: {
from: "answers",
localField: "_id",
foreignField: "sessionId",
pipeline: [
{ $addFields: { keyValue: [["$typeofField", "$value"]] } },
{ $replaceRoot: { newRoot: { $arrayToObject: "$keyValue" } } },
as: "allAnswers",
$replaceRoot: {
newRoot: { $mergeObjects: [{ $mergeObjects: "$allAnswers" }, "$$ROOT"] },
{ $unset: "allAnswers" },
对于 5.0 之前的用户,使用此查找:
$lookup: {
from: "answers",
let: { sid: "$_id" },
pipeline: [
{ $match: {$expr: {$eq: ["$sessionId", "$$sid"]}} },
{ $addFields: { keyValue: [["$typeofField", "$value"]] } }
,{ $replaceRoot: { newRoot: { $arrayToObject: "$keyValue" } } },
as: "allAnswers",
c = db.answers.aggregate([
// Bring all answers together as a k-v array:
{$group: {_id: "$sessionId", flds: {$push: {k: "$typeofField", v: "$value"}}}}
// Do a 1:1 lookup:
,{$lookup: {from: "session", localField: "_id", foreignField: "_id", as: "Z"}}
// We now have flds as a k-v array. We know that Z[0] cotains both
// created_at and _id. We seek to create a full k-v array that we can
// turn into the target object, so working the expression below "backwards"
// 1. Pull element 0 from the Z array
// 2. Turn that into a k-v array, e.g. [{k:_id,v:1},{k:created_at,v:02/01/2021}]
// with $objectToArray. Important: we pick up _id here.
// 3. Concat the flds k-v array with the Xsession lookup k-v array
// 4. We now have a complete k-v representation of our data. Use $arrayToObject
// to turn (e.g.) {k:created_at,v:02/01/2021} into created_at:02/01/2021
// 5. Don't assign the object to a fld (like X). Instead make that object the
// new root. newRoot is the only arg to $replaceRoot:
,{$replaceRoot: { newRoot:
{$concatArrays: [ "$flds", {$objectToArray: {$arrayElemAt: ["$Z",0]}} ] }}}}
或者,如果您想对字段进行更多控制,而不是选择 sesssion
c = db.answers.aggregate([
{$group: {_id: "$sessionId", flds: {$push: {k: "$typeofField", v: "$value"}}}}
,{$lookup: {from: "session", localField: "_id", foreignField: "_id", as: "Z"}}
// Don't want all the fields from the lookup? No problem: wrap the
// $objectToArray with a filter and only let k = [_id,created_at,foo]
// or whatever else you want. Make sure to always include _id.
// Of course, if you want to exclude fields and keep the rest, just use
// the $not operator. Be sure not to exclude _id; see commented cond below:
,{$replaceRoot: {newRoot: {$arrayToObject: {$concatArrays: [ "$flds",
{$filter: {input: {$objectToArray: {$arrayElemAt: ["$Z",0]}},
as: "z",
cond: {$in: ["$$z.k", ["_id","created_at","foo"]]}
//cond: {$not: {$in: ["$$z.k", ["foo"]]}}
根据在 session
中查找的 material 的数量,您可能想要使用更高级的 $lookup
c = db.answers.aggregate([
{$group: {_id: "$sessionId", flds: {$push: {k: "$typeofField", v: "$value"}}}}
,{$lookup: {from: "session",
let: { sid: "$_id" },
pipeline: [
{$match: {$expr: {$eq: [ "$_id", "$$sid" ]} }},
{$project: {"_id":true, "created_at":true,"foo":true}}
as: "Z"
,{$replaceRoot: { newRoot:
{$concatArrays: [ "$flds", {$objectToArray: {$arrayElemAt: ["$Z",0]}} ] }}}}
我正在努力处理 mongoDB 管道。我正在研究处理数据的 MERN 堆栈。
我们通过表格向人们提问,表格被描述为一个会话,例如每人一次。每个会话都记录在 table 中:
{ _id: 1, created_at:"01/01/2021"}
{ _id: 2, created_at:"02/01/2021"}
{ _id: 3, created_at:"03/01/2021"}
他们所有的答案都存储在一个 table 中,就像外键是 sessionId:
{ _id: 1, value:"Name1", sessionId : 1, typeofField :"name"}
{ _id: 2, value:"Firstname1", sessionId : 1, typeofField :"firstname"}
{ _id: 3, value:"Date of birth1", sessionId : 1, typeofField :"birthdate"}
{ _id: 4, value:"Name2", sessionId : 2, typeofField :"name"}
{ _id: 5, value:"Firstname2", sessionId : 2, typeofField :"firstname"}
{ _id: 6, value:"Date of birth2", sessionId : 2, typeofField :"birthdate"}
{id :1, created_at:"01/01/2021", name : "Name1", firstname: "Firstname1", birthdate : "Date of Birth1"}
{id :2, created_at:"02/01/2021", name : "Name2", firstname: "Firstname2", birthdate : "Date of Birth2"}
- 找到
阶段 会话的所有答案
- 将所有答案转换为一个对象,例如:
{ [typeofField]: value }
- 将所有答案合并到一个对象
- 最后将新转换的
如果您不了解管道,我已经创建了一个 mongodb 游乐场 (Playground Link),所以请尝试一次执行一个阶段。
请自行参考此管道中使用的 stages 和 operators 的文档。 $lookup, $addFields, $arrayToObject, $mergeObjects, $replaceRoot, $unset.
注意:确保 $lookup
阶段 as
字段使用的值不会出现在 answers 中 收集 typeofField
,否则它将在 $unset
阶段被删除。因此,对于 answers 集合下方的管道,不应包含 { ... typeofField: "allAnswers" ... }
$lookup: {
from: "answers",
localField: "_id",
foreignField: "sessionId",
pipeline: [
{ $addFields: { keyValue: [["$typeofField", "$value"]] } },
{ $replaceRoot: { newRoot: { $arrayToObject: "$keyValue" } } },
as: "allAnswers",
$replaceRoot: {
newRoot: { $mergeObjects: [{ $mergeObjects: "$allAnswers" }, "$$ROOT"] },
{ $unset: "allAnswers" },
对于 5.0 之前的用户,使用此查找:
$lookup: {
from: "answers",
let: { sid: "$_id" },
pipeline: [
{ $match: {$expr: {$eq: ["$sessionId", "$$sid"]}} },
{ $addFields: { keyValue: [["$typeofField", "$value"]] } }
,{ $replaceRoot: { newRoot: { $arrayToObject: "$keyValue" } } },
as: "allAnswers",
c = db.answers.aggregate([
// Bring all answers together as a k-v array:
{$group: {_id: "$sessionId", flds: {$push: {k: "$typeofField", v: "$value"}}}}
// Do a 1:1 lookup:
,{$lookup: {from: "session", localField: "_id", foreignField: "_id", as: "Z"}}
// We now have flds as a k-v array. We know that Z[0] cotains both
// created_at and _id. We seek to create a full k-v array that we can
// turn into the target object, so working the expression below "backwards"
// 1. Pull element 0 from the Z array
// 2. Turn that into a k-v array, e.g. [{k:_id,v:1},{k:created_at,v:02/01/2021}]
// with $objectToArray. Important: we pick up _id here.
// 3. Concat the flds k-v array with the Xsession lookup k-v array
// 4. We now have a complete k-v representation of our data. Use $arrayToObject
// to turn (e.g.) {k:created_at,v:02/01/2021} into created_at:02/01/2021
// 5. Don't assign the object to a fld (like X). Instead make that object the
// new root. newRoot is the only arg to $replaceRoot:
,{$replaceRoot: { newRoot:
{$concatArrays: [ "$flds", {$objectToArray: {$arrayElemAt: ["$Z",0]}} ] }}}}
或者,如果您想对字段进行更多控制,而不是选择 sesssion
c = db.answers.aggregate([
{$group: {_id: "$sessionId", flds: {$push: {k: "$typeofField", v: "$value"}}}}
,{$lookup: {from: "session", localField: "_id", foreignField: "_id", as: "Z"}}
// Don't want all the fields from the lookup? No problem: wrap the
// $objectToArray with a filter and only let k = [_id,created_at,foo]
// or whatever else you want. Make sure to always include _id.
// Of course, if you want to exclude fields and keep the rest, just use
// the $not operator. Be sure not to exclude _id; see commented cond below:
,{$replaceRoot: {newRoot: {$arrayToObject: {$concatArrays: [ "$flds",
{$filter: {input: {$objectToArray: {$arrayElemAt: ["$Z",0]}},
as: "z",
cond: {$in: ["$$z.k", ["_id","created_at","foo"]]}
//cond: {$not: {$in: ["$$z.k", ["foo"]]}}
根据在 session
中查找的 material 的数量,您可能想要使用更高级的 $lookup
c = db.answers.aggregate([
{$group: {_id: "$sessionId", flds: {$push: {k: "$typeofField", v: "$value"}}}}
,{$lookup: {from: "session",
let: { sid: "$_id" },
pipeline: [
{$match: {$expr: {$eq: [ "$_id", "$$sid" ]} }},
{$project: {"_id":true, "created_at":true,"foo":true}}
as: "Z"
,{$replaceRoot: { newRoot:
{$concatArrays: [ "$flds", {$objectToArray: {$arrayElemAt: ["$Z",0]}} ] }}}}