如何更改我的 Latex 文档的字体大小

How to change the font size of my Latex document

我找到了这个没有font-size属性的latex模板,但是字太小了,看不懂。 希望你能帮我弄清楚如何更改字体大小,该模板有一个名为 arxiv.sty 的文件,其中包含:



% fonts

% set page geometry


\rhead{\scshape \today}

%Handling Keywords
\def\keywordname{{\bfseries \emph Keywords}}%
\def\keywords#1{\par\addvspace\medskipamount{\rightskip=0pt plus1cm
\def\and{\ifhmode\unskip\nobreak\fi\ $\cdot$

% font sizes with reduced leading
  \abovedisplayskip      7\p@ \@plus 2\p@ \@minus 5\p@
  \abovedisplayshortskip \z@ \@plus 3\p@
  \belowdisplayskip      \abovedisplayskip
  \belowdisplayshortskip 4\p@ \@plus 3\p@ \@minus 3\p@
  \abovedisplayskip      6\p@ \@plus 1.5\p@ \@minus 4\p@
  \abovedisplayshortskip \z@  \@plus 2\p@
  \belowdisplayskip      \abovedisplayskip
  \belowdisplayshortskip 3\p@ \@plus 2\p@   \@minus 2\p@

% sections with less space
                {-2.0ex \@plus -0.5ex \@minus -0.2ex}%
                { 1.5ex \@plus  0.3ex \@minus  0.2ex}%
                {-1.8ex \@plus -0.5ex \@minus -0.2ex}%
                { 0.8ex \@plus  0.2ex}%
                {-1.5ex \@plus -0.5ex \@minus -0.2ex}%
                { 0.5ex \@plus  0.2ex}%
                {1.5ex \@plus 0.5ex \@minus 0.2ex}%
                {1.5ex \@plus 0.5ex \@minus 0.2ex}%

% float placement
\renewcommand{\topfraction      }{0.85}
\renewcommand{\bottomfraction   }{0.4}
\renewcommand{\textfraction     }{0.1}



% swap above/belowcaptionskip lengths for tables

% footnote formatting
\setlength{\footnotesep }{6.65\p@}
\setlength{\skip\footins}{9\p@ \@plus 4\p@ \@minus 2\p@}
\renewcommand{\footnoterule}{\kern-3\p@ \hrule width 12pc \kern 2.6\p@}

% paragraph formatting
\setlength{\parskip  }{5.5\p@}

% list formatting
\setlength{\topsep       }{4\p@ \@plus 1\p@   \@minus 2\p@}
\setlength{\partopsep    }{1\p@ \@plus 0.5\p@ \@minus 0.5\p@}
\setlength{\itemsep      }{2\p@ \@plus 1\p@   \@minus 0.5\p@}
\setlength{\parsep       }{2\p@ \@plus 1\p@   \@minus 0.5\p@}
\setlength{\leftmargin   }{3pc}
\setlength{\leftmargini  }{\leftmargin}
\setlength{\leftmarginii }{2em}
\setlength{\leftmarginiv }{1.0em}
\setlength{\leftmarginv  }{0.5em}
\def\@listi  {\leftmargin\leftmargini}
\def\@listii {\leftmargin\leftmarginii
              \topsep  2\p@ \@plus 1\p@    \@minus 0.5\p@
              \parsep  1\p@ \@plus 0.5\p@ \@minus 0.5\p@
              \itemsep \parsep}
              \topsep    1\p@ \@plus 0.5\p@ \@minus 0.5\p@
              \parsep    \z@
              \partopsep 0.5\p@ \@plus 0\p@ \@minus 0.5\p@
              \itemsep \topsep}
\def\@listiv {\leftmargin\leftmarginiv
\def\@listv  {\leftmargin\leftmarginv
\def\@listvi {\leftmargin\leftmarginvi

% create title
    % for perfect author name centering
    \renewcommand{\@makefnmark}{\hbox to \z@{$^{\@thefnmark}$\hss}}
    % The footnote-mark was overlapping the footnote-text,
    % added the following to fix this problem               (MK)
      \parindent 1em\noindent
      \hbox to 1.8em{\hss $\m@th ^{\@thefnmark}$}##1

% rules for title box at top of first page
  \hrule height 2\p@
  \vskip 0.25in
  \vskip -\parskip%
  \vskip 0.29in
  \vskip -\parskip
  \hrule height 2\p@
  \vskip 0.09in%

% create title (includes both anonymized and non-anonymized versions)
    \vskip 0.1in
    {\LARGE\sc \@title\par}
    \vskip 0.1in
  \vskip 0.4in \@minus 0.1in \center{\today}   \vskip 0.2in

% add conference notice to bottom of first page
  % give a bit of extra room back to authors on first page

% abstract styling
  {\large \bfseries \scshape Abstract}


和 template.tex 文件包含以下代码但没有说明字体大小的属性:

\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % allow utf-8 input
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}    % use 8-bit T1 fonts
\usepackage{hyperref}       % hyperlinks
\usepackage{url}            % simple URL typesetting
\usepackage{booktabs}       % professional-quality tables
\usepackage{amsfonts}       % blackboard math symbols
\usepackage{nicefrac}       % compact symbols for 1/2, etc.
\usepackage{microtype}      % microtypography


您可以通过加载 size11.closize12.clo 覆盖 .sty 文件的字体设置。

这些文件将创建匹配的字体大小集,这样它不仅可以改变正式文本的大小,还可以调整其他大小,如 \large 等,以获得和谐的结果。

\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % allow utf-8 input
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}    % use 8-bit T1 fonts
\usepackage{hyperref}       % hyperlinks
\usepackage{url}            % simple URL typesetting
\usepackage{booktabs}       % professional-quality tables
\usepackage{amsfonts}       % blackboard math symbols
\usepackage{nicefrac}       % compact symbols for 1/2, etc.
\usepackage{microtype}      % microtypography




