strapi 4 更新时填充

strapi 4 populate when update


 const response = await cartService.update(id, { data: { items } });
 const sanitizedEntity = await this.sanitizeOutput(response, ctx);
 return this.transformResponse(sanitizedEntity);

您可以通过在 http PUT 请求调用中附加 populate=[your_relational_field] 作为 query string 来做到这一点。



JSON 格式的示例请求正文
   "data": {
        "items": "items data here"

就这些!您甚至不需要重写控制器中的核心更新方法,查询字符串将直接由StrapiV4获取。但是如果出于某种原因你已经覆盖了控制器的核心 update 方法,那么你可以简单地将 ctx 实例传递给核心 updatefindOne 方法,例如下面:

"use strict";

 *  cart controller
const { createCoreController } = require("@strapi/strapi").factories;

module.exports = createCoreController("api::cart.cart", ({ strapi }) => ({
  async update(ctx) {
    // let's say you've written some custom logic here
    // finally return the response from core update method
    const response = await super.update(ctx);
    return response;

    // OR
    // You can even use the core `findOne` method instead
    const response = await super.findOne(ctx);
    return response;

    // OR
    // if you've used some other service then you can pass in the populate option to the update method
    const response = await cartService.update(id, {data: { items }, populate: "items.product" });
    return response;