Multipeer Connectivity - 在 Swift 5 中获取文件传输(Internet)速度和文件大小

Multipeer Connectivity - Get file transfer(Internet) speed and File Size in Swift 5

我正在点对点传输照片。一切正常,但我无法获得照片(文件)传输速度 i.g 互联网速度。与 MB 一样,文件已传输。其次,我想获取该文件的大小。

我们正在使用 MCSession


由于隐私原因,我无法在此处添加项目代码,但我将分享我关注的参考 github 项目。在项目中,我传递的是字符串,在我的例子中是它的照片。一切都一样。

我查看了 Whosebug,但没有找到任何准确的答案!



TLDR: 如果你不想阅读冗长的解释并直接看代码,下面所有的想法都汇集在一起​​,可以通过下载我的 public repository 其中有解释所有这些的注释。



func send(_ data: Data, toPeers peerIDs: [MCPeerID], with mode: MCSessionSendDataMode)

这没有任何问题,您确实可以将 UIImage 转换为 Data 对象并以这种方式发送,它会起作用。

但是我认为您无法跟踪进度,并且 MultiPeer 不会为您提供任何委托来使用此方法跟踪进度。


func session(_ session: MCSession, 
             didFinishReceivingResourceWithName resourceName: String, 
             fromPeer peerID: MCPeerID, 
             at localURL: URL?, 
             withError error: Error?)


func startStream(withName streamName: String, 
                 toPeer peerID: MCPeerID) throws -> OutputStream


Send Resource(我们会实现这个)


步骤 1

我对您的原始代码进行了一些 UI 更新,添加了一个 UIImageView 以向广告商(来宾)显示传输的图像和一个 UIButton 以启动文件从浏览器(主机)传输

UIImageView 有一个名为 @IBOutlet weak var imageView: UIImageView! 的出口和 UI 按钮的一个动作 @IBAction func sendImageAsResource(_ sender: Any)

我还在项目中添加了一个名为 image2.jpg 的图像,我们将从主机发送给来宾。

步骤 2


// Progress variable that needs to store the progress of the file transfer
var fileTransferProgress: Progress?
// Timer that will be used to check the file transfer progress
var checkProgressTimer: Timer?

// Used by the host to track bytes to receive
var bytesExpectedToExchange = 0
// Used to track the time taken in transfer, this is for testing purposes.
// You might get more reliable results using Date to track time
var transferTimeElapsed = 0.0

步骤 3

通过分别点击访客和主机按钮正常设置主机和访客。之后,点击主机上的Send image as resource按钮,主机执行的操作如下:

// A new action added to send the image stored in the bundle
@IBAction func sendImageAsResource(_ sender: Any) 
        // Call local function created

func sendImageAsResource()
        // 1. Get the url of the image in the project bundle.
        // Change this if your image is hosted in your documents directory
        // or elsewhere.
        // 2. Get all the connected peers. For testing purposes I am only
        // getting the first peer, you might need to loop through all your
        // connected peers and send the files individually.
        guard let imageURL = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "image2",
                                             withExtension: "jpg"),
              let guestPeerID = mcSession.connectedPeers.first else {
        // Retrieve the file size of the image
        if let fileSizeToTransfer = getFileSize(atURL: imageURL)
            bytesExpectedToExchange = fileSizeToTransfer
            // Put the file size in a dictionary
            let fileTransferMeta = ["fileSize": bytesExpectedToExchange]
            // Convert the dictionary to a data object in order to send it via
            // MultiPeer
            let encoder = JSONEncoder()
            if let JSONData = try? encoder.encode(fileTransferMeta)
                // Send the file size to the guest users
                try? mcSession.send(JSONData, toPeers: mcSession.connectedPeers,
                                    with: .reliable)
        // Ideally for best reliability, you will want to develop some logic
        // for the guest to respond that it has received the file size and then
        // you should initiate the transfer to that peer only after you receive
        // this confirmation. For now, I just add a delay so that I am highly
        // certain the guest has received this data for testing purposes
        DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 1)
        { [weak self] in
            self?.initiateFileTransfer(ofImage: imageURL, to: guestPeerID)
func initiateFileTransfer(ofImage imageURL: URL, to guestPeerID: MCPeerID)
        // Initialize and fire a timer to check the status of the file
        // transfer every 0.1 second
        checkProgressTimer = Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: 0.1,
                                                  target: self,
                                                  selector: #selector(updateProgressStatus),
                                                  userInfo: nil,
                                                  repeats: true)
        // Call the sendResource function and send the image from the bundle
        // keeping hold of the returned progress object which we need to keep checking
        // using the timer
        fileTransferProgress = mcSession.sendResource(at: imageURL,
                                          withName: "image2.jpg",
                                          toPeer: guestPeerID,
                                          withCompletionHandler: { (error) in
                                            // Handle errors
                                            if let error = error as NSError?
                                                print("Error: \(error.userInfo)")
                                                print("Error: \(error.localizedDescription)")

func getFileSize(atURL url: URL) -> Int?
        let urlResourceValue = try? url.resourceValues(forKeys: [.fileSizeKey])
        return urlResourceValue?.fileSize

步骤 4

下一个函数是主客用的。来宾将让事情在以后有意义,但是对于主机,在第 3 步中,您在启动文件传输后存储了一个进度对象,并且您启动了一个每 0.1 秒触发一次的计时器,所以现在实现计时器查询此进度对象以在 UILabel

/// Function fired by the local checkProgressTimer object used to track the progress of the file transfer
/// Function fired by the local checkProgressTimer object used to track the progress of the file transfer
func updateProgressStatus()
        // Update the time elapsed. As mentioned earlier, a more reliable approach
        // might be to compare the time of a Date object from when the
        // transfer started to the time of a current Date object
        transferTimeElapsed += 0.1
        // Verify the progress variable is valid
        if let progress = fileTransferProgress
            // Convert the progress into a percentage
            let percentCompleted = 100 * progress.fractionCompleted
            // Calculate the data exchanged sent in MegaBytes
            let dataExchangedInMB = (Double(bytesExpectedToExchange)
                                     * progress.fractionCompleted) / 1000000
            // We have exchanged 'dataExchangedInMB' MB of data in 'transferTimeElapsed'
            // seconds. So we have to calculate how much data will be exchanged in 1 second
            // using cross multiplication
            // For example:
            // 2 MB in 0.5s
            //  ?   in  1s
            // MB/s = (1 x 2) / 0.5 = 4 MB/s
            let megabytesPerSecond = (1 * dataExchangedInMB) / transferTimeElapsed
            // Convert dataExchangedInMB into a string rounded to 2 decimal places
            let dataExchangedInMBString = String(format: "%.2f", dataExchangedInMB)
            // Convert megabytesPerSecond into a string rounded to 2 decimal places
            let megabytesPerSecondString = String(format: "%.2f", megabytesPerSecond)
            // Update the progress an data exchanged on the UI
            numberLabel.text = "\(percentCompleted.rounded())% - \(dataExchangedInMBString) MB @ \(megabytesPerSecondString) MB/s"
            // This is mostly useful on the browser side to check if the file transfer
            // is complete so that we can safely deinit the timer, reset vars and update the UI
            if percentCompleted >= 100
                numberLabel.text = "Transfer complete!"
                checkProgressTimer = nil
                transferTimeElapsed = 0.0

步骤 5


func session(_ session: MCSession, didReceive data: Data, fromPeer peerID: MCPeerID)
        // Check if the guest has received file transfer data
        if let fileTransferMeta = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: []) as? [String: Int],
           let fileSizeToReceive = fileTransferMeta["fileSize"]
            // Store the bytes to be received in a variable
            bytesExpectedToExchange = fileSizeToReceive
            print("Bytes expected to receive: \(fileSizeToReceive)")

func session(_ session: MCSession,
             didStartReceivingResourceWithName resourceName: String,
             fromPeer peerID: MCPeerID,
             with progress: Progress) 
        // Store the progress object so that we can query it using the timer
        fileTransferProgress = progress
        // Launch the main thread
        DispatchQueue.main.async { [unowned self] in
            // Fire the timer to check the file transfer progress every 0.1 second
            self.checkProgressTimer = Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: 0.1,
                                                           target: self,
                                                           selector: #selector(updateProgressStatus),
                                                           userInfo: nil,
                                                           repeats: true)

func session(_ session: MCSession,
             didFinishReceivingResourceWithName resourceName: String,
             fromPeer peerID: MCPeerID,
             at localURL: URL?,
             withError error: Error?) 
        // Verify that we have a valid url. You should get a url to the file in
        // the tmp directory
        if let url = localURL
            // Launch the main thread
            DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in
                // Call a function to handle download completion
                self?.handleDownloadCompletion(withImageURL: url)

/// Handles the file transfer completion process on the advertiser/client side
    /// - Parameter url: URL of a file in the documents directory
    func handleDownloadCompletion(withImageURL url: URL) 
        // Debugging data
        print("Full URL: \(url.absoluteString)")
        // Invalidate the timer
        checkProgressTimer = nil
        // Set the UIImageView with the downloaded image
        imageView.image = UIImage(contentsOfFile: url.path)

步骤 6

运行 代码和 this is the end result (uploaded to youtube) 在来宾端显示传输完成后的进度和文件,主机端也显示相同的进度。

步骤 7


  1. 文件大小可以从主机计算出来,并且可以作为消息发送给来宾关于预期大小

  2. 您可以计算出一个文件的大概百分比 通过将进度 % 乘以文件大小来下载

  3. 可以根据下载的数据量/自传输开始以来经过的时间来计算速度



我已经更新了上面的代码示例、github 存储库和视频以包括最后 3 个步骤,最终结果如下: