如何将 iWatch 应用程序提交到 App Store?

How do I submit the iWatch app to the App Store?

我想在应用商店提交 iWatch 应用。 但是我找不到 iwatch 的选项。 你能帮我吗? 谢谢。

  1. When you create a new Watch App project (not an iOS App with Watch App), note that it creates a Watch App target, a Watch Extension target, AND an almost empty iOS App target (no code, storyboards, xcassets, but under build phases it is dependent on the Watch App and embeds the Watch app).

  2. On App Store Connect, you create a new iOS app project for your independent Watch app, but only fill in the data related to the Watch part of the project.

  3. Archive and upload your project as you normally would a standard iOS project.

瞧! (是的,这不直观)。 查找更多 here and here

好的,可以在现有 iOS 应用程序上作为手表版本提交。

是的,可以在现有的 iOS 应用程序上提交。 但是您需要根据 iOS 应用程序 ID 创建手表应用程序包 ID。