PID 控制器即使对于自然角度也返回正值
PID controller returning a positive value even for nagetive angles
我的总体目标是编写一个 PID 控制器,允许刚体根据玩家位置使用扭矩旋转到特定角度(Aim/shoot 非常基本的东西)。
public class EnemyBehavour : MonoBehaviour {
//speed of enemy
public float speed = .5f;
//base distance enemy will attack player
public float range = 3f;
//how far back enemy will stand
public float stopDistance;
//what the enemy will pursue
private GameObject target;
//targetable Enemies
private GameObject[] targetable;
private Rigidbody self;
//distance to check against
private float saveDistance;
//get the mass for physics stuff
float mass;
//gets drag for physics
float drag;
//gets angular drag for physics
float adrag;
//checks distance
float distance;
//the player
GameObject player;
GameObject[] turrets;
//the base
GameObject playerBase;
EnemyShoot Shoot;
//torque holder;
float torque;
//used for PID
public float maxAccPID = 180f;
public float maxSpeedPID = 90f;
public float pGain = 20f;
public float dGain = 10f;
float Accel;
float anglSpeed;
float error;
float lastError = 0f;
float diff;
void Start () {
//get own rigidbody
self = GetComponent<Rigidbody> ();
//playerbase should be obviouse
playerBase = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("Base");
target = playerBase;
Shoot = GetComponentInChildren<EnemyShoot> ();
mass = self.mass;
drag = self.drag;
adrag = self.angularDrag;
PIDRotation ();
void FixedUpdate () {
target = FindFoe ();
//checks range and
if (Vector3.Distance (transform.position, target.transform.position) > range || target == playerBase) {
target = playerBase;
torque = PIDRotation ();
//Debug.Log (torque.ToString ());
torque *= .1f;
//look at the pursueing target
self.AddTorque (Vector3.up * torque);
//move towards the pursuing target
self.AddForce (transform.forward * speed);
Debug.Log (torque.ToString ());
float PIDRotation () {
//this gets the difference between facing forward and facing target
//this creates the vector facing the target
Vector3 relativePos = self.position - target.transform.position;
//this gets the crossproduct or the sin of angle between the facing vector and the vector to face
Vector3 crossAngle = Vector3.Cross (transform.forward.normalized, relativePos.normalized);
//this gets the current angle
float currentAngle = transform.eulerAngles.y;
//this gets the angle in euler to turn; positive is
float deltaAngle = Mathf.Asin (crossAngle.y)/Mathf.PI * 180;
Debug.Log (crossAngle.ToString () + " " + deltaAngle.ToString());
error = currentAngle - deltaAngle; //generate error signal
diff = (lastError - error) / Time.deltaTime; //calculate differentail
Debug.Log ("diff " + diff.ToString ());
lastError = error;
Debug.Log ("error " + error.ToString ());
//calculate acceleration
Accel = error * pGain + diff * dGain;
Debug.Log ("Accel1 " + Accel.ToString ());
Accel = Mathf.Clamp (Accel, -1f * maxAccPID, maxAccPID);
Debug.Log ("Accel2 " + Accel.ToString ());
anglSpeed = Accel * Time.deltaTime;
anglSpeed = Mathf.Clamp (anglSpeed, -maxSpeedPID, maxSpeedPID);
return anglSpeed;
//checks if turrets or player is within range
GameObject FindFoe() {
distance = range;
targetable = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag ("ETarget");
//sets player base as default target
foreach (GameObject test in targetable) {
GameObject testing = test.transform.parent.gameObject;
print (testing.ToString());
saveDistance = Vector3.Distance (transform.position, testing.transform.position);
if (saveDistance < distance) {
distance = saveDistance;
print (saveDistance.ToString());
target = testing;
return target;
我知道问题出在哪里了。 (一些我如何获得正值的加速度,即使是负角。)但我不知道出了什么问题或如何解决它。
error = currentAngle - deltaAngle; //generate error signal
直接减去两个角不太可能是你想做的。假设您的角度都来自 0
currentAngle = 5
deltaAngle = 355
逻辑上,你会说从 currentAngle
到 deltaAngle
你需要移动 -10
度,因为 355
是圆上的同一个地方作为 -5
。但是如果你只做 currentAngle - deltaAngle
,你会得到 -350
那么如何获得正确的 10
度差?谁在乎,Unity can do it for you with Mathf.DeltaAngle(a, b)
我的总体目标是编写一个 PID 控制器,允许刚体根据玩家位置使用扭矩旋转到特定角度(Aim/shoot 非常基本的东西)。
public class EnemyBehavour : MonoBehaviour {
//speed of enemy
public float speed = .5f;
//base distance enemy will attack player
public float range = 3f;
//how far back enemy will stand
public float stopDistance;
//what the enemy will pursue
private GameObject target;
//targetable Enemies
private GameObject[] targetable;
private Rigidbody self;
//distance to check against
private float saveDistance;
//get the mass for physics stuff
float mass;
//gets drag for physics
float drag;
//gets angular drag for physics
float adrag;
//checks distance
float distance;
//the player
GameObject player;
GameObject[] turrets;
//the base
GameObject playerBase;
EnemyShoot Shoot;
//torque holder;
float torque;
//used for PID
public float maxAccPID = 180f;
public float maxSpeedPID = 90f;
public float pGain = 20f;
public float dGain = 10f;
float Accel;
float anglSpeed;
float error;
float lastError = 0f;
float diff;
void Start () {
//get own rigidbody
self = GetComponent<Rigidbody> ();
//playerbase should be obviouse
playerBase = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("Base");
target = playerBase;
Shoot = GetComponentInChildren<EnemyShoot> ();
mass = self.mass;
drag = self.drag;
adrag = self.angularDrag;
PIDRotation ();
void FixedUpdate () {
target = FindFoe ();
//checks range and
if (Vector3.Distance (transform.position, target.transform.position) > range || target == playerBase) {
target = playerBase;
torque = PIDRotation ();
//Debug.Log (torque.ToString ());
torque *= .1f;
//look at the pursueing target
self.AddTorque (Vector3.up * torque);
//move towards the pursuing target
self.AddForce (transform.forward * speed);
Debug.Log (torque.ToString ());
float PIDRotation () {
//this gets the difference between facing forward and facing target
//this creates the vector facing the target
Vector3 relativePos = self.position - target.transform.position;
//this gets the crossproduct or the sin of angle between the facing vector and the vector to face
Vector3 crossAngle = Vector3.Cross (transform.forward.normalized, relativePos.normalized);
//this gets the current angle
float currentAngle = transform.eulerAngles.y;
//this gets the angle in euler to turn; positive is
float deltaAngle = Mathf.Asin (crossAngle.y)/Mathf.PI * 180;
Debug.Log (crossAngle.ToString () + " " + deltaAngle.ToString());
error = currentAngle - deltaAngle; //generate error signal
diff = (lastError - error) / Time.deltaTime; //calculate differentail
Debug.Log ("diff " + diff.ToString ());
lastError = error;
Debug.Log ("error " + error.ToString ());
//calculate acceleration
Accel = error * pGain + diff * dGain;
Debug.Log ("Accel1 " + Accel.ToString ());
Accel = Mathf.Clamp (Accel, -1f * maxAccPID, maxAccPID);
Debug.Log ("Accel2 " + Accel.ToString ());
anglSpeed = Accel * Time.deltaTime;
anglSpeed = Mathf.Clamp (anglSpeed, -maxSpeedPID, maxSpeedPID);
return anglSpeed;
//checks if turrets or player is within range
GameObject FindFoe() {
distance = range;
targetable = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag ("ETarget");
//sets player base as default target
foreach (GameObject test in targetable) {
GameObject testing = test.transform.parent.gameObject;
print (testing.ToString());
saveDistance = Vector3.Distance (transform.position, testing.transform.position);
if (saveDistance < distance) {
distance = saveDistance;
print (saveDistance.ToString());
target = testing;
return target;
我知道问题出在哪里了。 (一些我如何获得正值的加速度,即使是负角。)但我不知道出了什么问题或如何解决它。
error = currentAngle - deltaAngle; //generate error signal
直接减去两个角不太可能是你想做的。假设您的角度都来自 0
currentAngle = 5
deltaAngle = 355
逻辑上,你会说从 currentAngle
到 deltaAngle
你需要移动 -10
度,因为 355
是圆上的同一个地方作为 -5
。但是如果你只做 currentAngle - deltaAngle
,你会得到 -350
那么如何获得正确的 10
度差?谁在乎,Unity can do it for you with Mathf.DeltaAngle(a, b)