Pandas:select 行随机分组,同时保留该组的所有变量

Pandas: select rows by random groups while keeping all of the group's variables


id  std     number 
A   1       1
A   0       12
B   123.45  34
B   1       56 
B   12      78
C   134     90
C   1234    100
C   12345   111

我想 select Id 的随机行 同时保留其他行中的所有信息,这样数据框看起来像这样:

id  std     number 
A   1       1
A   0       12
C   134     90
C   1234    100
C   12345   111


size = 1000   
replace = True  
fn = lambda obj: obj.loc[np.random.choice(obj.index, size, replace),:]
df2 = df1.groupby('Id', as_index=False).apply(fn)

df2 = df1.sample(n=1000).groupby('id')


您需要先创建随机 id,然后将原始列 idSeries.isin in boolean indexing 进行比较:

#number of groups
N = 2
df2 = df1[df1['id'].isin(df1['id'].drop_duplicates().sample(N))]
print (df2)
  id      std  number
0  A      1.0       1
1  A      0.0      12
5  C    134.0      90
6  C   1234.0     100
7  C  12345.0     111


N = 2
df2 = df1[df1['id'].isin(np.random.choice(df1['id'].unique(), N))]