如何在多个服务方法之间共享 'unit of work'?

How can I share a 'unit of work' between multiple service methods?


a) Missing something in the capabilities of autofac that I don't know it can do OR

b) Misusing the unit of work pattern entirely and need to refactor my service and/or repositories.

基本上我的问题源于我服务中的代码共享。具体来说,我有一个名为 CreateCustomerAsync(…) 的服务方法,在该方法中我构建了一个工作单元(包装一个数据库连接并开始一个数据库事务)并使用一个存储库插入到几个数据库 table 中。在我想从该方法(并且在 UOW 的范围内)调用另一个名为 AddCustomerToGroupAsync(…) 的服务方法以便(在同一 UOW 内)将客户添加到组中(添加一行link table)。 AddCustomerToGroupAsync 本身在内部使用自己的工作单元,以确保其存储库操作也在数据库事务中发生。

目前我无法在同一个 UOW 中完成所有这些操作 - 事实上,使用这样的代码实际上根本不起作用,因为最里面的 UOW 是 运行 通过不同的连接它还看不到外部交易插入的客户!我可以重新排序代码,以便 AddCustomerToGroupAsync 调用在父 UOW 之外,但随后我失去了数据库完整性。

所以 - 我大致(这在语法上不正确 - 但代表了我面临的问题)是这样的:

public async Task<int> CreateCustomerAsync(string name, int groupid)
    // do some validation etc..

    // NOTE: UnitOfWork and CustomerRepository are scoped to InstancePerMatchingLifetimeScope for 'tx'
    using(var scope = this.Container.BeginLifetimeScope("tx"))
    using(var uow = scope.Resolve<UnitOfWork>())
        // NOTE: ResolveRepository is an extension method - the repo is having the uow injected into it
        var customerrepository = uow.ResolveRepository<CustomerRepository>();

        // multiple repository calls all within the same UOW/db transaction
        int newid = await customerrepository.CreateAsync(name);
        await customerrepository.ActivateAsync(newid);

        // here we invoke our seperate service method... and which I would *like* to execute within
        // this same UOW - so if it fails then all of the db statements executed so far get rolled back
        await this.AddCustomerToGroupAsync(newid, groupid);


public async Task<bool> AddCustomerToGroupAsync(int customerId, int groupId)
    // really here I'd LIKE to resolve the same lifetime scope that was constructed in the parent if it doesnt
    // exist with the tag specified already...
    // if i could do that then I would be able to resolve the *same* unit of work which would be a step forward
    using(var scope = this.Container.BeginLifetimeScope("tx"))
    using (var uow = scope.Resolve<UnitOfWork>())
        var grouprepository = uow.ResolveRepository<GroupRepository>();

        // two repository calls that need to be wrapped in the same UOW/TX
        int linkid = await grouprepository.CreateLinkAsync(customerId, groupId);
        await grouprepository.ActivateAsync(linkid);




考虑为 AddCustomerToGroupAsync 编写一个私有方法来完成大部分工作。

   private async Task<bool> AddCustomerToGroupInternalAsync(int customerId, int groupId, UnitOfWork uow)
   { ../* All the code in the AddCustomerToGroupAsync inside the unitOfWork */. }

对于现有的 AddCustomerToGroupAsync 方法,您可以打开一个范围,解析一个 unitOfWork 并将其传递给 AddCustomerToGroupInternalAsync 方法。同样,对于现有的 CreateCustomerAsync 方法,您可以将在该方法中解析的 UnitOfWork 传递给 AddCustomerToGroupInternalAsync 方法。

在这两种情况下,您都可以在调用 AddCustomerToGroupInternalAsync 之后调用 uow.Commit。