如何从 'self' 作为变量的函数中获取输入

How to get input from function with 'self' as variable

我想要一个函数,您可以在其中输入字符串,并且可以在 class 中重复使用该字符串。这是我尝试过的方法,但我无法让 variable 全局在 class

中的 function 之外使用它


from Moduletest import Test



class Test():   

    def set_string(self, target_string):
        global string
        string = target_string
    zeta = string

要操作测试 class 中定义的静态变量,您可以查看下面的应用程序。这样就可以观察到数据成员和静态变量的区别了。

class Test:
    zeta = ""                                      # static variable definition
    @classmethod                                   # constructor method
    def __init__(self, string):
        self.string = string
    @classmethod                                   # member method
    def getString(self):
        return self.string
    @classmethod                                   # member method
    def setString(self, value):
        self.string = value
    @staticmethod                                  # static method
    def set_static_string(self, target):
        self.setString(target)                     # set data member
        Test.zeta = target                         # set static variable
firstTestObject = Test("test")                     # create object
Test.set_static_string(firstTestObject, "first")   # set static variable
print("1: ", Test.zeta)                            # get static variable
print("2: ", firstTestObject.zeta)                 # get static variable

secondTestObject = Test("test")                    # create object
Test.set_static_string(secondTestObject, "second") # set static variable
print("3: ", Test.zeta)                            # get static variable

# The same value is printed as static variables are common to every object.
print("4: ", firstTestObject.zeta)                      
print("5: ", secondTestObject.zeta)                     


1:  first
2:  first
3:  second
4:  second
5:  second

这里不需要使用全局修饰符。您需要的是通过使用 self 对象来引用对象实例,如下所示:

class Test:
    zeta = None
    def __init__(self):
        self.string = None

    def set_string(self, target_string):
        self.string = target_string
        Test.zeta = self.string

t = Test()

也许在 Moduletest.py:

class Test:
    def __init__(self, target_string):
        self.string = target_string
    def getStr(self):
        return self.target_string


from Moduletest import Test

x = Test("Hello")
print(x.getStr) #output: Hello

Self 是您在实例化 class 中引用函数变量的变量。

实例化您的 class 并使用构造函数传递参数的方法是这样的。

 `class Test:`

      `def __init__(self,arg1)`

          `self.var1 = arg1`

你像这样实例化 class 测试 my_instance=Test("my_string")

您可以像这样通过 . 访问 var1。 my_instance.var1


通常强烈建议不要在 python 中创建全局变量。我建议使用 class 的实例,然后将字符串分配给 class.

class Test:
    my_string: str

    def__init__(self, target_string):
        self.my_string = target_string
    def get_string(self):
        return self.my_string


my_class = Test('Hello World')
the_string = my_class.get_string()
print(the_string) # Prints 'Hello World'
# Or like this 
print(my_class.my_string) # Prints 'Hello World' as well


根据 OP 的评论更新: 在 python 中很少有使用全局变量的用例。我建议将字符串存储为 class 实例变量,而不是将字符串存储为全局变量。您可以阅读更多关于 class 实例变量 here.

class Test:
    my_string: str
    # You could use a dunder init method like this
    def __init__(self, target_string):
        """ This is the function that is ran upon Invoking the 
            class as an instance """
        self.my_string = target_string

    # Or you could not use the dunder init method and just have a class method like this. 
    # This way of doing so is not recommended though
    def set_string(self, target_string):
        """ Sets class instance variable 'mystring' to that of the 'target_string' parameter """
        self.my_string = target_string

# Then to set and retrieve the string from the class instance

# If using the __init__ method
tester_cls = Test('I am the target string')

print(tester_cls.my_string) # Prints 'I am the target string'

# or if using the set_string method
tester_cls = Test()
tester_cls.set_string('I am the target string')

print(tester_cls.my_string) # Prints 'I am the target string'