将 UUID 作为整数存储在 numpy 数组中

Storing UUID in a numpy array as integers

我必须在一个 numpy 数组中以整数格式存储一堆 UUID。将 UUID 转换为整数格式(128 位)无效,因为可以存储在 numpy 数组中的最大整数大小为 64 位。因此,我尝试使用字段样式将 UUID 存储为 6 个单独的整数。

但是我无法从 numpy 数组值重新创建 UUID。这是问题的示例。

import uuid

#generate a random uuid4

my_uuid = uuid.uuid4()
# UUID('bf6cc180-52e1-42fe-b3fb-b47d238ed7ce')

# encode the uuid to 6 integers with fields
my_uuid_fields = my_uuid.fields
# (3211575680, 21217, 17150, 179, 251, 198449560475598)

# recreate the uuid, this works
# UUID('bf6cc180-52e1-42fe-b3fb-b47d238ed7ce')

# create an array with the fields 
my_uuid_fields_arr = np.array(my_uuid_fields)
# array([3211575680,21217,17150,179,251,198449560475598])

# convert array back to tuple and check if its the same as the initial fields tuple
assert tuple(my_uuid_fields_arr) == my_uuid_fields

# this fails however
uuid.UUID(fields = tuple(my_uuid_fields_arr))

ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
/scratch/6084717/ipykernel_43199/1198120499.py in <module>
----> 1 uuid.UUID(fields = tuple(my_uuid_fields_arr))

/hpc/compgen/users/mpages/software/miniconda3/envs/babe/lib/python3.7/uuid.py in __init__(self, hex, bytes, bytes_le, fields, int, version, is_safe)
    192         if int is not None:
    193             if not 0 <= int < 1<<128:
--> 194                 raise ValueError('int is out of range (need a 128-bit value)')
    195         if version is not None:
    196             if not 1 <= version <= 5:

ValueError: int is out of range (need a 128-bit value)


tuple(my_uuid_fields_arr)np.int64 的元组,而 my_uuid_fieldsint 的元组。显然 uuid 无法正确处理 numpy 整数。

只需将 numpy 整数转换为 python 整数。

uuid.UUID(fields = tuple([int(i) for i in my_uuid_fields_arr]))

当您检查任一元组中第一项的 type 时,您可以验证这是问题所在。