使用 "IN" 子句将数组与 JDBI 绑定

Bind array with JDBI with "IN" clauses


return jdbi.withHandle(
    handle -> handle.createQuery("SELECT * FROM alias WHERE id IN (?)")
        .bind(0, new int[]{1, 2})


org.jdbi.v3.core.statement.UnableToExecuteStatementException: org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLDataException: Data conversion error converting "[1, 2]"; SQL statement:
SELECT * FROM alias WHERE id IN (?) [22018-200] [statement:"SELECT * FROM alias WHERE id IN (?)", arguments:{positional:{0:[I@52fee500}, named:{}, finder:[]}]

我的代码基于 JDBI Developer Guide 示例:

handle.createUpdate("insert into groups (id, user_ids) values (:id, :userIds)")
      .bind("id", 1)
      .bind("userIds", new int[] { 10, 5, 70 })


int id = 1;
handle.createQuery("SELECT * FROM alias WHERE id = ?")
      .bind(0, id)



jdk: 16

对于 in 子句,您应该使用 bindList<name> 语法,示例来自 JDBI doc

handle.createQuery("SELECT value FROM items WHERE kind in (<listOfKinds>)")
      .bindList("listOfKinds", keys)

// Or, using the 'vararg' definition
handle.createQuery("SELECT value FROM items WHERE kind in (<varargListOfKinds>)")
      .bindList("varargListOfKinds", "user_name", "docs", "street", "library")