
how to assign an existing file object to another file object


srcFileName = tempFile.getName();

file = new File(uploadDir + srcFileName);

indexF = srcFileName.lastIndexOf(".xml");

extFile = srcFileName.substring(indexF + 1, indexF + 4);

if (!extFile.equalsIgnoreCase("zip"))
  if (indexF == -1)
    extFile = "xml";
    srcFileName = srcFileName + "." + extFile;
    boolean rename = file.renameTo(new File(uploadDir + srcFileName));

    File renamedFile = new File(uploadDir + srcFileName);
    indexF = srcFileName.lastIndexOf(".xml");
    extFile = srcFileName.substring(indexF + 1, indexF + 4);
    long len = 0;
    len = renamedFile.length();
    debug("renamed file Length::" + len);

    allDetailsMap.put("listOfFiles", renamedFile);


假设您的重命名操作成功,即 boolean rename 评估为 true,我们的文件构造函数应该是:

 File renamedFile = new File(file, (uploadDir + srcFileName));

如果您查看文件构造函数的 JDK 文档:

    public File(File parent,
    String child)

Creates a new File instance from a parent abstract pathname and a child pathname string.

If parent is null then the new File instance is created as if by invoking the single-argument File constructor on the given child pathname string.

Otherwise the parent abstract pathname is taken to denote a directory, and the child pathname string is taken to denote either a directory or a file. If the child pathname string is absolute then it is converted into a relative pathname in a system-dependent way. If parent is the empty abstract pathname then the new File instance is created by converting child into an abstract pathname and resolving the result against a system-dependent default directory. Otherwise each pathname string is converted into an abstract pathname and the child abstract pathname is resolved against the parent.

    parent - The parent abstract pathname
    child - The child pathname string

此外,renameTo 区域的摘录(我相信您已经这样做了):

The return value should always be checked to make sure that the rename operation was successful. 

此外,您必须使用 getAbsolutePath() 来确认您的文件已重命名,以查看最后一位是否包含扩展名。一个很好的例子在这里 - What's the difference between getPath(), getAbsolutePath(), and getCanonicalPath() in Java?.