panic interface conversion interface {} 是 float64 不是 int64

panic interface conversion interface {} is float64 not int64


panic: interface conversion: interface {} is float64, not int64

我不确定 float64 从哪里来 我将类型设置为 int64 但不确定 float64 来自哪里

type AccessDetails struct {
    AccessUuid   string  `json:"access_uuid"`
    Email        string  `json:"email"`
    Refresh      int64    `json:"refresh"`
    Expiry       int64   `json:"expiry"`
    Permission   string  `json:"permission"`
    Scope        string  `json:"scope"`

func GetAccessDetails(c *fiber.Ctx) (*AccessDetails, error) {
    ad := &AccessDetails{}

    cookie := c.Cookies("access_token")

    var err error
    token, err := jwt.Parse(cookie, func(token *jwt.Token) (interface{}, error) {
        return []byte(os.Getenv("ACCESS_SECRET")), nil

    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    payload := token.Claims.(jwt.MapClaims)
    ad.Email = payload["sub"].(string)
    ad.AccessUuid = payload["access_uuid"].(string)
    ad.Refresh = payload["refresh"].(int64)
    ad.Expiry = payload["exp"].(int64)
    ad.Permission = payload["permission"].(string)
    ad.Scope = payload["scope"].(string)

    return ad, nil

错误似乎来自行 ad.Refresh = payload["refresh"].(int64) 我想我只需要知道如何将接口类型从 float64 转换为 int64,反之亦然 {}

我已尽一切努力将类型改回 int64,但出现一个或另一个错误,现在需要帮助才能继续前进

这里是 cookie 中的负载数据经过 jwt 解码后的样子的示例

  "access_uuid": "c307ac76-e591-41d0-a638-6dcc2f963704",
  "exp": 1642130687,
  "permission": "user",
  "refresh": 1642734587,
  "sub": ""
ad.Refresh = int64(payload["refresh"].(float64))
ad.Expiry = int64(payload["exp"].(float64))

你需要先assert the accurate dynamic type of the interface value and then, if successful, you can convert它到你想要的类型。

请注意,接口值为 float64 的原因是因为这是 encoding/json 解码器在将 JSON 数字解组为 interface{} 值时的默认设置。

To unmarshal JSON into an interface value, Unmarshal stores one of these in the interface value:

bool, for JSON booleans
float64, for JSON numbers
string, for JSON strings
[]interface{}, for JSON arrays
map[string]interface{}, for JSON objects
nil for JSON null