来自不同 iPhone 设备的动态集合视图单元格列

Dynamic collection view cell column from different iPhone device

我尝试使用 collectionView 从不同的 iPhone 设备创建动态单元格列。

我已经尝试让 iPhone SE 有一个 3 列并且成功了,但是当我尝试让 iPhone 11 Pro Max 有一个 4 列时它有一个 space每个单元格之间。

iPhone 11 专业最大

iPhone SE


enum UIHelper {
    static func createCollectionViewFlowLayout() -> UICollectionViewFlowLayout {
        let screenWidth                     = UIScreen.main.bounds.width
        let padding: CGFloat                = 12
        let minimumInterimSpacing: CGFloat  = 10
        let availableWidth                  = screenWidth - (padding * 2) - (minimumInterimSpacing * 2)
        var numberOfColumn: CGFloat
        // 375 is iPhone SE width
        if screenWidth > 375 {
            numberOfColumn = 4
        } else {
            numberOfColumn = 3
        let itemWidth                       = availableWidth / numberOfColumn
        let flowLayout                      = UICollectionViewFlowLayout()
        flowLayout.sectionInset             = UIEdgeInsets(top: padding, left: padding, bottom: padding, right: padding)
        flowLayout.itemSize                 = CGSize(width: itemWidth, height: itemWidth)
        return flowLayout


override func viewDidLoad() {
   collectionView.delegate = self
   collectionView.dataSource = self
   collectionView.collectionViewLayout = UIHelper.createCollectionViewFlowLayout()



let availableWidth = screenWidth - (padding * 2) - (minimumInterimSpacing * 2)

逻辑是,如果你有 3 个单元格,则 3 个单元格之间会有 2 个间隙,但如果你有 4 个单元格,则有 3 个间隙。



static func createCollectionViewFlowLayout() -> UICollectionViewFlowLayout {
        let screenWidth                     = UIScreen.main.bounds.width
        let padding: CGFloat                = 12
        let minimumInterimSpacing: CGFloat  = 10
        // Updated this to a var
        var availableWidth                  = screenWidth - (padding * 2) - (minimumInterimSpacing * 2)
        var numberOfColumn: CGFloat
        // 375 is iPhone SE width
        if screenWidth > 375 {
            numberOfColumn = 4
            // Update the width available as well
            availableWidth = screenWidth - (padding * 2) - (minimumInterimSpacing * (numberOfColumn - 1))
        } else {
            numberOfColumn = 3
        let itemWidth                       = availableWidth / numberOfColumn
        let flowLayout                      = UICollectionViewFlowLayout()
        flowLayout.minimumInteritemSpacing  = minimumInterimSpacing
        flowLayout.sectionInset             = UIEdgeInsets(top: padding, left: padding, bottom: padding, right: padding)
        flowLayout.itemSize                 = CGSize(width: itemWidth, height: itemWidth)
        return flowLayout