
How to customize a theme in daisy-ui?

  1. 我想在daisyui中自定义一个主题。是否可以自定义,即深色主题(只需固定一种颜色,或添加更多颜色条目)?

  2. 此外:是否可以为您的自定义主题添加新的颜色条目?


  daisyui: {
    styled: true,
    themes: [
      "light", // first one will be the default theme
        mytheme: {
          primary: "#793ef9",
          "new-color": "#eff1ae",
          "primary-focus": "#570df8",

...但是当我在 css (theme("colors.new-color")) 中使用新颜色 new-color 时。我收到以下错误:

(146:7) /home/armwur/code/booking-overview/src/index.css 'colors.new-color' does not exist in your theme config. 'colors' has the following valid keys: 'inherit', 'current', 'transparent', 'black', 'white', 'neutral', 'primary', 'primary-focus', 'primary-content', 'secondary', 'secondary-focus', 'secondary-content', 'accent', 'accent-focus', 'accent-content', 'neutral-focus', 'neutral-content', 'base-100', 'base-200', 'base-300', 'base-content', 'info', 'success', 'warning', 'error'

  144 |  }
  145 |   .fast-table tr:hover td {
> 146 |       background-color: theme('colors.new-color');
      |       ^
  147 |  }
  148 |   .fast-table th, .fast-table td {


在 DaisyUI 中更改默认主题的颜色

  1. 在以下位置查找主题颜色:https://github.com/saadeghi/daisyui/blob/master/src/colors/themes.js
  2. 整个 主题添加到 tailwind.config.cjs,随意更改。
daisyui: {
        themes: [
          {'dark': {
            "primary": "#793ef9",
            "primary-focus": "#570df8",
            "primary-content": "#ffffff",
            "secondary": "#f000b8",
            "secondary-focus": "#bd0091",
            "secondary-content": "#ffffff",
            "accent": "#37cdbe",
            "accent-focus": "#2aa79b",
            "accent-content": "#ffffff",
            "neutral": "#2a2e37",
            "neutral-focus": "#16181d",
            "neutral-content": "#ffffff",
            "base-100": "#3d4451",
            "base-200": "#2a2e37",
            "base-300": "#16181d",
            "base-content": "#ebecf0",
            "info": "#66c6ff",
            "success": "#87d039",
            "warning": "#e2d562",
            "error": "#ff6f6f"


  1. 您要做的是创建另一个主题。编辑现有主题的方法如下:
module.exports = {
  daisyui: {
    themes: [
        light: {
          primary: "blue",
          "primary-focus": "mediumblue",

可以找到更多信息 here

  1. 这也可以通过将您的 CSS 添加到主题中来完成:
[data-theme="mytheme"] .btn {
  border-width: 2px;
  border-color: black;

可以找到更多信息 here