
useReducer: dispatch action, show state in other component and update state when action is dispatched

我有一个我无法解决的问题。我正在构建一个电子商务反应应用程序并使用 useReduceruseContext 进行状态管理。客户打开产品,挑选商品数量,然后单击“添加到购物车”按钮以发送操作。这部分工作正常,问题开始了。我不知道如何在 Navbar.js 组件中显示和更新购物车中的产品总数。它在路线更改后显示,但我希望在单击“添加到购物车”按钮时更新它。我尝试了 useEffect 但它不起作用。


const initialState = [
    productName: '',
    count: 0


import React, { useState, useContext } from 'react'
import { ItemCounterContext } from '../../App'

function AddToCart({ product }) {
  const itemCounter = useContext(ItemCounterContext)
  const [countItem, setCountItem] = useState(0)

  const changeCount = (e) => {
    if (e === '+') { setCountItem(countItem + 1) }
    if (e === '-' && countItem > 0) { setCountItem(countItem - 1) }

  return (
    <div className='add margin-top-small'>
        onClick={(e) => changeCount(}

      <div className='add-counter'>{countItem}</div>

        onClick={(e) => changeCount(}
        className='add-btn btnOrange'
        onClick={() => itemCounter.dispatch({ type: 'addToCart', productName:, count: countItem })}
        Add to Cart

export default AddToCart

Navbar.js 是我遇到问题的地方

import React, { useContext } from 'react'
import { Link, useLocation } from 'react-router-dom'
import NavList from './NavList'
import { StoreContext, ItemCounterContext } from '../../App'
import Logo from '../Logo/Logo'

function Navbar() {
  const store = useContext(StoreContext)
  const itemCounter = useContext(ItemCounterContext)
  const cartIcon = store[6].cart.desktop
  const location = useLocation()
  const path = location.pathname

  const itemsSum = itemCounter.state
    .map((item) => item.count)
    .reduce((prev, curr) => prev + curr, 0)

  const totalItemsInCart = (
    <span className='navbar__elements-sum'>

  return (
    <div className={`navbar ${path === '/' ? 'navTransparent' : 'navBlack'}`}>
      <nav className='navbar__elements'>
        <Logo />
        <NavList />
        <Link className='link' to='/cart'>
          <img className='navbar__elements-cart' src={cartIcon} alt='AUDIOPHILE CART ICON' />
          {itemsSum > 0 ? totalItemsInCart : null}

export default Navbar

嗯,ItemCounterContext 对这个问题很重要,忽略 StoreContext,它是用于图像的...这是一个 reducer 函数。

export const reducer = (state, action) => {
  // returns -1 if product doesn't exist
  const indexOfProductInCart = state.findIndex((item) => item.productName === action.productName)
  const newState = state

  switch (action.type) {
    case 'increment': {
      if (indexOfProductInCart === -1) {
        newState[state.length] = { productName: action.productName, count: state.count + 1 }
        return newState
      newState[indexOfProductInCart] = { productName: action.productName, count: state.count + 1 }
      return newState
    case 'decrement': {
      if (indexOfProductInCart === -1) {
        newState[state.length] = { productName: action.productName, count: state.count - 1 }
        return newState
      newState[indexOfProductInCart] = { productName: action.productName, count: state.count - 1 }
      return newState
    case 'addToCart': {
      if (indexOfProductInCart === -1) {
        newState[state.length] = { productName: action.productName, count: action.count }
        return newState
      newState[indexOfProductInCart] = { productName: action.productName, count: action.count }
      return newState
    case 'remove': return state.splice(indexOfProductInCart, 1)
    default: return state

这里是 App.js 我与其他组件共享状态的地方

import React, { createContext, useMemo, useReducer } from 'react'
import { BrowserRouter as Router, Routes, Route } from 'react-router-dom'
import Navbar from './components/Navbar/Navbar'
import Homepage from './pages/Homepage/Homepage'
import Footer from './components/Footer/Footer'
import ErrorPage from './pages/ErrorPage/ErrorPage'
import SelectedCategory from './pages/SelectedCategory/SelectedCategory'
import SingleProduct from './pages/SingleProduct/SingleProduct'
import ScrollToTop from './services/ScrollToTop'
import store from './services/data.json'
import { reducer } from './services/ItemCounter'
import './scss/main.scss'

export const StoreContext = createContext(store)
export const ItemCounterContext = createContext()

function App() {
  const initialState = [{ productName: '', count: 0 }]
  const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(reducer, initialState)
  const counter = useMemo(() => ({ state, dispatch }), [])

  return (
    <div className='app'>
      <StoreContext.Provider value={store}>
        <ItemCounterContext.Provider value={counter}>
            <ScrollToTop />
            <Navbar />
              <Route path='/' element={<Homepage />} />
              <Route path='/:selectedCategory' element={<SelectedCategory />} />
              <Route path='/:selectedCategory/:singleProduct' element={<SingleProduct />} />
              <Route path='*' element={<ErrorPage />} />
            <Footer />

export default App

您似乎正在改变 reducer 函数中的 state 对象。您首先使用 const newState = state 保存对状态的引用,然后用每个 newState[state.length] = ..... 改变该引用,然后 return 对下一个状态的相同状态引用 return newState。下一个状态对象永远不是 new 对象引用。

考虑以下使用各种数组方法对 state 数组和 return new 进行操作数组引用:

export const reducer = (state, action) => {
  // returns -1 if product doesn't exist
  const indexOfProductInCart = state.findIndex(
    (item) => item.productName === action.productName

  const newState = state.slice(); // <-- create new array reference

  switch (action.type) {
    case 'increment': {
      if (indexOfProductInCart === -1) {
        // Not in cart, append with initial count of 1
        return newState.concat({
          productName: action.productName,
          count: 1,
      // In cart, increment count by 1
      newState[indexOfProductInCart] = {
        count: newState[indexOfProductInCart].count + 1,
      return newState;

    case 'decrement': {
      if (indexOfProductInCart === -1) {
        // Not in cart, append with initial count of 1
        return newState.concat({
          productName: action.productName,
          count: 1,
      // In cart, decrement count by 1, to minimum of 1, then remove
      if (newState[indexOfProductInCart].count === 1) {
        return state.filter((item, index) => index !== indexOfProductInCart);
      newState[indexOfProductInCart] = {
        count: Math.max(0, newState[indexOfProductInCart].count - 1),
      return newState;

    case 'addToCart': {
      if (indexOfProductInCart === -1) {
        // Not in cart, append with initial action count
        return newState.concat({
          productName: action.productName,
          count: action.count,
      // Already in cart, increment count by 1
      newState[indexOfProductInCart] = {
        count: newState[indexOfProductInCart].count + 1,
      return newState;

    case 'remove':
      return state.filter((item, index) => index !== indexOfProductInCart);

    default: return state

itemsSum in Navbar 现在应该可以从上下文中看到状态更新。

const itemsSum = itemCounter.state
  .map((item) => item.count)
  .reduce((prev, curr) => prev + curr, 0);

您似乎还使用空依赖数组在 useMemo 挂钩中记住了 state 值。这意味着传递给 StoreContext.Providercounter 值永远不会更新。

function App() {
  const initialState = [{ productName: '', count: 0 }];
  const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(reducer, initialState);

  const counter = useMemo(() => ({ state, dispatch }), []); // <-- memoized the initial state value!!!

  return (
    <div className='app'>
      <StoreContext.Provider value={store}> // <-- passing memoized state


const counter = useMemo(() => ({ state, dispatch }), [state]);

或者根本不记忆它并将 statedispatch 传递给上下文 value

<StoreContext.Provider value={{ state, dispatch }}>

问题出在你的 reducer 上,特别是你将之前的状态分配给 newState 以进行突变和 return 更新后的状态。在 JavaScript 中,非基本类型是通过地址而不是值来引用的。由于你的 initialState 这是一个数组恰好是一个非原始的,所以当你将一个非原始的分配给一个新的变量时,这个变量只指向内存中现有的数组并且不会创建新的副本。并且,在 React 中,仅当状态被重建时(这就是 React 理解存在更新的方式)而不是软变异时,更新才 triggered/broadcasted 。当你改变 return newState 时,你基本上改变了现有的 state 而不是导致它重建。一个快速的解决方法是将 state 复制到 newState 而不仅仅是分配它。这可以使用扩展运算符 (...) 来完成。
在你的 reducer 函数中,更改:

const newState = state

const newState = [...state]

你的 reducer 函数应该看起来像这样:

export const reducer = (state, action) => {
  // returns -1 if product doesn't exist
  const indexOfProductInCart = state.findIndex((item) => item.productName === action.productName)
  const newState = [...state] //Deep-copying the previous state

  switch (action.type) {
    case 'increment': {
      if (indexOfProductInCart === -1) {
        newState[state.length] = { productName: action.productName, count: state.count + 1 }
        return newState
      newState[indexOfProductInCart] = { productName: action.productName, count: state.count + 1 }
      return newState
    case 'decrement': {
      if (indexOfProductInCart === -1) {
        newState[state.length] = { productName: action.productName, count: state.count - 1 }
        return newState
      newState[indexOfProductInCart] = { productName: action.productName, count: state.count - 1 }
      return newState
    case 'addToCart': {
      if (indexOfProductInCart === -1) {
        newState[state.length] = { productName: action.productName, count: action.count }
        return newState
      newState[indexOfProductInCart] = { productName: action.productName, count: action.count }
      return newState
    case 'remove': return state.splice(indexOfProductInCart, 1)
    default: return state

我很清楚你在说什么,但 reducer 中的问题是只有可变方法才适用于状态。像 .slice()、.concat() 甚至扩展运算符 [...state] 这样的不可变方法不起作用,我不知道为什么 :( 我尝试了这两个答案,但 dispatch(action) 并没有改变状态。也许初始状态是问题所在,我会尽量把它写成

初始状态={ 购物车:[ 产品名称: '', 计数:0 ] }