重置 ReactiveUI ObservableAsPropertyHelper 值

Reset ReactiveUI ObservableAsPropertyHelper Value

我正在使用 ReactiveUI ReactiveObject 视图模型构建一个简单的 DateTime 计算器。

它有一个计算命令,可以计算一个值并正确更新由 ObservableAsPropertyHelper 字段支持的结果。

我还有一个响应式UI命令,它应该重置所有 UI 值。

我 运行 遇到的问题是如何重置只读“结果”值。

public class VM : ReactiveObject
   private readonly ObservableAsPropertyHelper<DateTime?> _result;

   public DateTime Start { get; set; } = DateTime.Now;

   public int Days { get; set; } = 1;

   public DateTime? Result => _result.Value;

   public ReactiveCommand<Unit, DateTime?> CalculateCommand { get; }

   public ReactiveCommand<Unit, Unit> ResetCommand { get; }

   public VM()
      CalculateCommand = ReactiveCommand
        .CreateFromTask<Unit, DateTime?>((_, cancellationToken) => CalculateAsync(cancellationToken));

      _result = CalculateCommand.ToProperty(this, nameof(Result));

      // everything above this works.

      ResetCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create(() =>
          Start = DateTime.Now;
          Days = 1;
          // how do I reset "_result" or "Result" back to null???
   private Task<DateTime?> CalculateAsync(CancellationToken _)
      // to be replaced by an API call later.
      return Task.FromResult<DateTime?>(Start.AddDays(Days));


如何重置由 ObservableAsPropertyHelper 实例支持的值?


namespace WpfApp4;
using System.Reactive.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

using ReactiveUI;

using System;
using System.Reactive;

public class MainViewModel : ReactiveObject

    public ReactiveCommand<Unit, DateTime?> StartCommand { get; }

    public ReactiveCommand<Unit, DateTime?> ResetCommand { get; }

    private DateTime _start = DateTime.Now;

    private int _processingDays = 1;

    private readonly ObservableAsPropertyHelper<DateTime?> _result;

    public DateTime? Result => _result.Value;

    public DateTime Start
        get => _start;
        set => this.RaiseAndSetIfChanged(ref _start, value);

    public int ProcessingDays
        get => _processingDays;
        set => this.RaiseAndSetIfChanged(ref _processingDays, value);

    public MainViewModel()
        StartCommand = ReactiveCommand.CreateFromTask<DateTime?>(() => Task.FromResult<DateTime?>(Start.AddDays(ProcessingDays)));

        ResetCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create<DateTime?>(execute: () => null);

        _ = ResetCommand.Subscribe(onNext: (_) =>
              Start = DateTime.Now;

              ProcessingDays = 1;

        _result = StartCommand.Merge(ResetCommand).ToProperty(this, nameof(Result));