React Typescript:重新加载页面后获取sessionStorage

React Typescript: get sessionStorage after reload of page

用户登录后,身份验证令牌会保存在 sessionStorage 中,页面会重新加载。现在重新加载后,我想读取该数据并将其存储在 state 中,但渲染不会从 <Login /> 更改为 <Layout>...

export default class Home extends React.Component<any, State> {
    constructor(props: any) {
        this.state = {
            auth: true,


   public render() {
        return (
                {this.state.auth ?
                    <Login /> :

   private _auth(): void {
        if (sessionStorage.getItem("accessGranted") !== "")
            this.setState({ auth: true });
            this.setState({ auth: false });

Do not call setState() in constructor(). Instead, if a component needs to use a local state, assign the initial state to this.state directly in the constructor.

componentDidMount() invokes immediately after a component mounts. You can call setState() immediately in componentDidMount() and triggers an extra rendering, but this happens before the browser updates the screen, calling render() twice.

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您可以 return 来自 _auth 方法的 sessionStorage 的值并使用该值在构造函数中创建状态,或者您可以简单地调用 this._auth 在 componentDidMount() 里面仍然可以,但主要用于异步计算、副作用等