Python - 通过对象的属性创建对象的引用树

Python - creating a reference tree of objects by their attributes

我有一个对象列表。这些对象都有嵌套的属性,这些属性是按照hpaulj在这个post中的响应的一个方法生成的:Object-like attribute access for nested dictionary.


例如,假设对象列表如下: list_of_objects = [object1, object2, object3, object4]

这些对象是根据以下 State class 创建的:

class State:
    def __init__(self, state_dictionary):
        self._state_dictionary = state_dictionary
        for key, value in self._state_dictionary.items():
            if isinstance(value, dict):
                value = State(value)
            setattr(self, key, value)


state_dictionary = {



我的想法是创建一个 'Controller',它将原始列表作为单独的列表存储在控制器 class 的对象实例中。每个原始属性和值将指向包含这些属性或值的对象列表,基本设计如下:

class Controller:

    def __init__(self, list_of_objects):
        self.list_of_objects = list_of_objects  # Our list of objects from above

    def create_hierarchy_of_objects(self):
        for o in self.list_of_objects:
            #  Does something here


问题是 create_hierarchy_of_objects 将如何工作? 我澄清几点

如果您必须处理超过一百万个对象,生成额外的层次结构可能不是最佳解决方案。这将需要许多额外的对象并浪费大量时间来创建层次结构。每当 list_of_objects 发生变化时,层次结构也需要更新。

因此,我建议使用 迭代器 和类似 XPath 的原则来采用更通用和动态的方法。我们称它为 OPathOPath class 是一个轻量级对象,它只是将属性连接到一种 属性路径 。它还保留对 条目对象 原始列表的引用。最后,它仅基于属性,因此适用于任何类型的对象。

当我们开始遍历 OPath 对象时(例如,将对象放入 list(),使用 for 循环,...) . OPath returns 一个迭代器,它根据原始提供的列表中的实际内容,根据属性路径递归查找匹配的对象。它 yield 一个接一个地匹配对象,以避免创建包含完全填充的匹配对象的不必要列表。

class OPath:
    def __init__(self, objects, path = []):
        self.__objects = objects
        self.__path = path

    def __getattr__(self, __name):
        return OPath(self.__objects, self.__path + [__name])

    def __iter__(self):
        yield from (__object for __object in self.__objects if self.__matches(__object, self.__path))

    def __matches(__object, path):
        if path:
            if hasattr(__object, path[0]):
                return OPath.__matches(getattr(__object, path[0]), path[1:])
            if __object == path[0] and len(path) <= 1:
                return True
            return False
        return True

if __name__ == '__main__':
    class State:
        def __init__(self, state_dictionary):
            self._state_dictionary = state_dictionary
            for key, value in self._state_dictionary.items():
                if isinstance(value, dict):
                    value = State(value)
                setattr(self, key, value)

    o1 = State({ "country":"Kenya", "disease": "breast cancer" })
    o2 = State({ "country":"Kenya", "disease": "diabetes" })
    o3 = State({ "country":"Ireland", "risk_factor": { "smoking":"Current" } })
    o4 = State({ "country":"Kenya", "risk_factor": { "smoking":"Previous" } })

    # test cases with absolute paths
    print("Select absolute")
    path = OPath([o1, o2, o3, o4])
    print(list(path) == [o1, o2, o3, o4])
    print(list( == [o1, o2, o3, o4])
    print(list( == [o1, o2, o4])
    print(list(path.disease) == [o1, o2])
    print(list(path.disease.diabetes) == [o2])
    print(list(path.risk_factor.smoking) == [o3, o4])
    print(list(path.risk_factor.smoking.Current) == [o3])
    print(list(path.doesnotexist.smoking.Current) == [])
    print(list(path.risk_factor.doesnotexist.Current) == [])
    print(list(path.risk_factor.smoking.invalidvalue) == [])
    print(list(path.risk_factor.doesnotexist.Current.invalidpath) == [])

    # test cases with relative paths
    country = OPath([o1, o2, o3, o4], ["country"])
    print("Select relative from country:")
    print(list(country) == [o1, o2, o3, o4])
    print(list(country.Kenya) == [o1, o2, o4])

    print("Select all with country=Kenya")
    kenya = OPath([o1, o2, o3, o4], ['country', 'Kenya'])
    print(list(kenya) == [o1, o2, o4])

所有测试用例的输出预计为 True