Open Policy Agent - 授权读取数据列表

Open Policy Agent - Authorizing READ on a list of data


我们一直在使用 OPA 对我们的 REST HTTP API 进行数据授权。我们保护我们的API

allow {
    input.method == "GET"
    glob.match(input.path, ["/"], "/department/DEPARTMENT_ID/employee/")
    some_rule # Where we check that user can list all employee in the particular deparment/DEPARTMENT_ID based on the ACL of department/DEPARTMENT_ID

如上所示,每个 department 都有自己的 ACL,我们授权禁止访问它及其子资源(例如员工)。

我们通过 OPA 的 HTTP API 查询此策略,并将 department/DEPARTMENT_ID 的 ACL 推送到 OPA 以供其做出决定。参见 OPA docs

但是,有一个新要求,我们必须创建一个 API,它必须列出用户有权访问的所有 employee

鉴于授权不能再只查看一个 ACL,如何才能做到这一点? (因为多个 employee 资源将属于不同的 department,每个资源都有自己的 ACL)。


列出 employee 时,我们可以向 OPA 发送每个 department(即父级)的所有 ACL,并让 OPA 基于此进行授权。这可能非常低效,但我不确定是否有更好的方法。如果我们对 employee 列表进行分页,它的大小也会受到限制。

我不确定我是否完全遵循,但鉴于您 data 看起来像下面这样:

    "departments": {
        "department1": {
            "permissions": {
                "jane": ["read"]
            "employees": {
                "x": {},
                "y": {},
                "z": {}
        "department2": {
            "permissions": {
                "jane": ["read"]
            "employees": {
                "a": {},
                "b": {},
                "c": {}
        "department3": {
            "permissions": {
                "eve": ["read"]
            "employees": {
                "bill": {},
                "bob": {},
                "eve": {}

input 看起来像这样:

    "user_id": "jane",
    "method": "GET",
    "department_id": "department1",
    "path": "/department/department1/employee"


package play


allow {
    input.method == "GET"
    glob.match(input.path, ["/"], sprintf("/department/%v/employee", [input.department_id]))

# Where we check that user can list all employee in the particular deparment/DEPARTMENT_ID based on the ACL of department/DEPARTMENT_ID
can_read {
    "read" in data.departments[input.department_id].permissions[input.user_id]

listable_employees[employee] {
    some department in data.departments
    "read" in department.permissions[input.user_id]
    some employee, _ in department.employees

本例中的 listable_employees 计算结果为:


由于用户 jane 对 department1 和 department2 具有读取权限,但对 department3 没有。