添加直接 IMG 链接会破坏模板

Adding direct IMG links breaks template

所以我正在编辑此模板以用于图库项目,但是当我尝试将 link 替换为

<img src="https://source.unsplash.com/random/?tech,yet"> 


<img src="https://www.geoawesomeness.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/earth.jpeg">


所有布局都崩溃了。我从codepen那里得到了模板。 codepen.io/vhanla/pen/PxjZvj 请问是什么导致了这种行为?谢谢

Codepen 似乎使用动态调整大小的图像来模仿 masonry 插件


Dynamically resizable images
Every image returned by the Unsplash API is a dynamic image URL, which means that it can be manipulated to create new transformations of the image by simply adjusting the query parameters of the image URL.
This enables resizing, cropping, compression, and changing the format of the image in realtime client-side, without any API calls.
Under the hood, Unsplash uses Imgix, a powerful image manipulation service to provide dynamic image URLs.