如何使用 AppleScript 从我的资料库中删除 Apple Music 曲目?

How can I delete Apple Music tracks from my Library using AppleScript?

我的 Apple Music 资料库太大了。我想通过删除一大堆我从未听过的曲目来清除它。我已经对播放列表成功地做了同样的事情,但我的脚本无法删除曲目:

tell application "Music"
    set mytracks_list to (get the id of (every track whose loved is false and played count is 0 and rating is less than 60))
    repeat with mytrack_id in mytracks_list
        delete (the track whose id is mytrack_id)
    end repeat
end tell

mytracks_list 填充没有问题。我收到的错误消息是:

错误“无法获取 id = {130098 的第 1 项,[................] }



tell application "Music"
    set myplaylists_to_delete to (get the name of every playlist whose name does not contain "Adrian" and name does not contain "Loved" and name does not contain "Shazam" and name does not contain "Library" and name is not "Music" and name does not contain "Recent" and name does not contain "5 Stars" and name does not contain "Duo")
    repeat with myplaylist in myplaylists_to_delete
        delete playlist myplaylist
    end repeat
end tell


tell app "Music"
    delete every track whose loved is false and played count is 0 and rating is less than 60
end tell

设计良好、实现良好的“AppleScriptable”应用程序通常可以将命令应用于多个对象;您不需要自己迭代对象。(提示:Apple 事件 IPC = RPC +查询,不是 OOP。)