在 Dhall 中反转数据的 N-N 映射

Reverse a N-N mapping of data in Dhall




let app1 = { name = "app1" }
let app2 = { name = "app2" }

let containers = [
  { name = "container1", apps = [ app1 ] },
  { name = "container2", apps = [ app1, app2 ] }

{- I can easily transform this data to the following -}

  { app = "app1", container = "container1" },
  { app = "app1", container = "container2" },
  { app = "app2", container = "container2" }

{- But I cannot seem to get it into the requested format -}
  "app1" = [ "container1", "container2" ]
  "app2" = [ "container2" ]

我认为使用标识符作为 Text 是行不通的,因为无法使用相同的标识符合并关联列表或类似的东西。

使用记录我可以合并这样的东西{a1 = {c1 = True}} /\ {a1 = {c2 = True}} /\ {a2 = {c2 = True}}。这将是 {a1 = {c1 = True, c2 = True}, a2 = {c2 = True}}。 但是我一开始就无法进入这个状态,因为我无法 'reverse' 记录。


是的,不可能完全按照您的要求执行,因为该语言不允许 Text 比较


let Map = https://prelude.dhall-lang.org/v21.1.0/Map/Type.dhall

let List/concatMap = https://prelude.dhall-lang.org/v21.1.0/List/concatMap.dhall

let List/map = https://prelude.dhall-lang.org/v21.1.0/List/map.dhall

let startingMapping
    : Map Text (Map Text {})
    = toMap
        { container1 = toMap { app1 = {=} }
        , container2 = toMap { app1 = {=}, app2 = {=} }

let desiredMapping
    : Map Text (Map Text {})
    = toMap
        { app1 = toMap { container1 = {=}, container2 = {=} }
        , app2 = toMap { container2 = {=} }

let transpose
    : ∀(a : Type) → Map Text (Map Text a) → Map Text (Map Text a)
    = λ(a : Type) →
          { mapKey : Text, mapValue : Map Text a }
          { mapKey : Text, mapValue : Map Text a }
          ( λ(x : { mapKey : Text, mapValue : Map Text a }) →
                { mapKey : Text, mapValue : a }
                { mapKey : Text, mapValue : Map Text a }
                ( λ(y : { mapKey : Text, mapValue : a }) →
                    { mapKey = y.mapKey
                    , mapValue =
                      [ { mapKey = x.mapKey, mapValue = y.mapValue } ]

in  assert : transpose {} startingMapping ≡ desiredMapping


Error: Assertion failed

[ - { mapKey = "app1"
    , mapValue = [ { mapKey = "container1", mapValue = {=} } ]
, - { mapKey = "app1"
    , mapValue = [ { mapKey = "container2", mapValue = {=} } ]
, + { mapKey = "app1"
    , mapValue =
      [ { mapKey = "container1", mapValue = {=} }
      , { mapKey = "container2", mapValue = {=} }
, …

41│     assert : transpose {} startingMapping ≡ desiredMapping

... 因为结果没有像您请求的那样合并两个重复的 app1 键。