Python: Fill data in a list in a tuple
I need to create a function that reads the data given and creates a list that contains tuples each of which has as its first element the name of the airport and as its second and third its geographical coordinates as float numbers.
airport_data = """
Alexandroupoli 40.855869°N 25.956264°E
Athens 37.936389°N 23.947222°E
Chania 35.531667°N 24.149722°E
Chios 38.343056°N 26.140556°E
Corfu 39.601944°N 19.911667°E
Heraklion 35.339722°N 25.180278°E"""
airports = []
import re
airport_data1 = re.sub("[°N@°E]","",airport_data)
def process_airports(string):
airports_temp = list(string.split())
airports = [tuple(airports_temp[x:x+3]) for x in range(0, len(airports_temp), 3)]
return airports
This is my code so far but I'm new to Python, so I'm struggling to debug my code.
def process_airports(string):
airports_temp = string.split()
airports = [(airports_temp[x], float(airports_temp[x+1]), float(airports_temp[x+2])) for x in range(0, len(airports_temp), 3)]
return airports
这会产生一个非常笨拙的表达式,因此也许可以使用经典的 for 循环更易读地解决这个问题。
另请注意 slpit() 已经 returns 一个列表。
您需要考虑 N/S、W/E 的经度和纬度。
def process_airports(string):
airports = []
for line in string.split('\n'):
if not line: continue
name, lon, lat = line.split()
float(lon[:-2]) * (1 if lon[-1] == "N" else -1),
float(lat[:-2]) * (-1 if lat[-1] == "E" else 1)
return airports
>>> process_airports(airport_data1)
[('Alexandroupoli', 40.855869, -25.956264), ('Athens', 37.936389, -23.947222), ('Chania', 35.531667, -24.149722), ('Chios', 38.343056, -26.140556), ('Corfu', 39.601944, -19.911667), ('Heraklion', 35.339722, -25.180278)]
我更喜欢双重分裂来证明差异 lines/tuple 元素
I need to create a function that reads the data given and creates a list that contains tuples each of which has as its first element the name of the airport and as its second and third its geographical coordinates as float numbers.
airport_data = """
Alexandroupoli 40.855869°N 25.956264°E
Athens 37.936389°N 23.947222°E
Chania 35.531667°N 24.149722°E
Chios 38.343056°N 26.140556°E
Corfu 39.601944°N 19.911667°E
Heraklion 35.339722°N 25.180278°E"""
airports = []
import re
airport_data1 = re.sub("[°N@°E]","",airport_data)
def process_airports(string):
airports_temp = list(string.split())
airports = [tuple(airports_temp[x:x+3]) for x in range(0, len(airports_temp), 3)]
return airports
This is my code so far but I'm new to Python, so I'm struggling to debug my code.
如果你想让元组的第二个和第三个元素是一个浮点数,你必须使用float()函数将它们转换。 一种方法是在您的列表理解中创建一个带有圆括号的元组,并在那里转换值:
def process_airports(string):
airports_temp = string.split()
airports = [(airports_temp[x], float(airports_temp[x+1]), float(airports_temp[x+2])) for x in range(0, len(airports_temp), 3)]
return airports
这会产生一个非常笨拙的表达式,因此也许可以使用经典的 for 循环更易读地解决这个问题。
另请注意 slpit() 已经 returns 一个列表。 进一步说明:如果您只是切断坐标中的字母,当您的机场位于不同的象限时,这可能会反咬您一口。
您需要考虑 N/S、W/E 的经度和纬度。 可能是
def process_airports(string):
airports = []
for line in string.split('\n'):
if not line: continue
name, lon, lat = line.split()
float(lon[:-2]) * (1 if lon[-1] == "N" else -1),
float(lat[:-2]) * (-1 if lat[-1] == "E" else 1)
return airports
>>> process_airports(airport_data1)
[('Alexandroupoli', 40.855869, -25.956264), ('Athens', 37.936389, -23.947222), ('Chania', 35.531667, -24.149722), ('Chios', 38.343056, -26.140556), ('Corfu', 39.601944, -19.911667), ('Heraklion', 35.339722, -25.180278)]
我更喜欢双重分裂来证明差异 lines/tuple 元素