Websocket 连接到 binance api returns 错误

Websocket connection to binance api returns error

我想测试 websocket 与 binance 的连接 api wss://testnet-dex.binance.org/api/ws。 但是每当我 运行 js 脚本时,我都会收到来自 ws.



const WebSocket = require('ws');

const conn = new WebSocket("wss://testnet-dex.binance.org/api/ws");
conn.onopen = function(evt) {
    conn.send(JSON.stringify({ method: "subscribe", topic: "trades", symbols: ["ETH_BNB"] })); // I did try using as an symbols 'BNB_USDT.B-B7C', but got the same error
conn.onmessage = function(evt) {
    console.info('received data', evt.data);
conn.onerror = function(evt) {
    console.error('an error occurred', evt.data);


received data {"method":"subscribe","error":{"error":"Invalid symbol(s)"}}

received data {"method":"subscribe","error":{"error":"Symbols [BNB_USDT.B-B7C] are not valid for topic: trades, for user: 100.x.x.x:3333 \u003e 100.xx.x.x:59558"}}

我似乎出错了,因为我确实写错了符号。但是我使用了多个符号,它们都产生了相同的错误。并不是说我只是 copy/paste binance 文档中的这段代码 https://docs.binance.org/api-reference/dex-api/ws-streams.html

.org 域是(遗留)币安链的域 - 当前广泛使用的币安智能链网络的前身。

如果您想使用 Binance 交易所的 WS API(位于 .com 域),它发布在 wss://stream.binance.com:9443 (docs) and you can subscribe to trade channels in the format of <symbol>@trade (docs)。

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