np.nan 和 np.inf 的 Numba 性能问题

Numba performance issue with np.nan and np.inf

我正在尝试 numba 来加速我的代码。我注意到在函数内部使用 np.inf 而不是 np.nan 时性能会有很大差异。下面我附上了三个示例函数以供说明。

在我的机器上,三个函数的平均运行时间分别是0.032284s0.041548s0.019712s。似乎使用 np.nannp.inf 慢得多。为什么性能差异很大?提前致谢。

编辑:我正在使用 Python 3.7.11Numba 0.55.Orc1

import numpy as np
import numba as nb

def function1(array1, array2):
    nr, nc = array1.shape
    output1 = np.empty((nr, nc), dtype='float')
    output2 = np.empty((nr, nc), dtype='float')
    output1[:] = np.nan
    output2[:] = np.nan

    for r in range(nr):
        row1 = array1[r]
        row2 = array2[r]
        diff = row1 - row2
        id_threshold =np.nonzero( (row1 - row2) > 8 )
        output1[r][id_threshold] = 1
        output2[r][id_threshold] = 0

    output1 = output1.flatten()
    output2 = output2.flatten()
    id_keep = np.nonzero(output1 != np.nan)
    output1 = output1[id_keep]
    output2 = output2[id_keep]
    output = np.vstack((output1, output2))
    return output

@nb.njit('float64[:,::1](float64[:,::1], float64[:,::1])', parallel=True)
def function2(array1, array2):
    nr, nc = array1.shape
    output1 = np.empty((nr,nc), dtype='float')
    output2 = np.empty((nr, nc), dtype='float')
    output1[:] = np.nan
    output2[:] = np.nan

    for r in nb.prange(nr):
        row1 = array1[r]
        row2 = array2[r]
        diff = row1 - row2
        id_threshold =np.nonzero( (row1 - row2) > 8 )
        output1[r][id_threshold] = 1
        output2[r][id_threshold] = 0

    output1 = output1.flatten()
    output2 = output2.flatten()
    id_keep = np.nonzero(output1 != np.nan)
    output1 = output1[id_keep]
    output2 = output2[id_keep]
    output = np.vstack((output1, output2))
    return output

@nb.njit('float64[:,::1](float64[:,::1], float64[:,::1])', parallel=True)
def function3(array1, array2):
    nr, nc = array1.shape
    output1 = np.empty((nr,nc), dtype='float')
    output2 = np.empty((nr, nc), dtype='float')
    output1[:] = np.inf
    output2[:] = np.inf

    for r in nb.prange(nr):
        row1 = array1[r]
        row2 = array2[r]
        diff = row1 - row2
        id_threshold =np.nonzero( (row1 - row2) > 8 )
        output1[r][id_threshold] = 1
        output2[r][id_threshold] = 0
    output1 = output1.flatten()
    output2 = output2.flatten()
    id_keep = np.nonzero(output1 != np.inf)
    output1 = output1[id_keep]
    output2 = output2[id_keep]
    output = np.vstack((output1, output2))
    return output

array1 = 10*np.random.random((1000,1000))
array2 = 10*np.random.random((1000,1000))

output1 = function1(array1, array2)
output2 = function2(array1, array2)
output3 = function3(array1, array2)

第二个要慢得多,因为 output1 != np.nan returns 一个副本 output1 因为 np.nan != np.nanTrue(就像任何其他值一样 - v != np.nan 总是正确的)。因此,要计算的结果数组要大得多,导致执行速度变慢。

重点是您必须 永远不要使用比较运算符将值与 np.nan 进行比较:请改用 np.isnan(value)。在你的情况下,你应该使用 np.logical_not(np.isnan(output1)).

由于 np.logical_not 创建的临时数组,第二个实现可能会稍微慢一些(一旦代码被更正,我在我的机器上没有看到使用 NaN 或 Inf 之间有任何统计上的显着差异)。