msgpack 无法序列化大型 numpy ndarrays

msgpack could not serialize large numpy ndarrays

我试图通过 client.scatter(np_ndarray) 发送大型 numpy ndarrays。 np_ndarray 大约是 10GB;我收到此错误 msgpack Could not serialize object of type ndarray.

我在创建客户端时使用了 pickle,这样 Client(self.adr, serializers=['dask', 'pickle'])



from joblib import dump, load

path_to_pickle = 'large_numpy.pickle'
dump(large_numpy, path_to_pickle)

def myfunc(path_to_pickle):
    large_numpy = load(path_to_pickle)
    # do something

fut = client.submit(myfunc, path_to_pickle)

如果您想使用 msgpack,则最大限制约为 4.3 GB,请参阅 docs:

  • a value of an Integer object is limited from -(2^63) upto (2^64)-1
  • maximum length of a Binary object is (2^32)-1
  • maximum byte size of a String object is (2^32)-1

有一些策略的讨论here, specifically if it's possible to encode the object as a string, the string can be split into multiple parts and then each part sent individually. The receiving side would then have to concatenate these and decode. Another option is streaming


Is msgpack always used when data is sent by scatter, or dask decides about the protocol depending on the data type?

是的,Dask 会根据您的数据 select 默认序列化程序,参考:Dask Docs - Serialization

I noticed that there is a project for Msgpack-Numpy. Are you planning to add support for it in dask, in case I describe an eventual issue in dask?

我咨询了一位 Dask 贡献者,看起来现在或不久的将来都没有支持它的计划。也就是说,请随时开始讨论以收集更多想法。 :)

When I initialize my client this way, what are the main advantages and disadvantages?

Dask 中的序列化很棘手,因此很难定义(缺点)优势。但是,一般来说,不推荐手动指定序列化器。