Trouble understanding Caesar decryption steps
#include <iostream>
std::string decrypt(std::string cipher, int key) {
std::string d = "";
for(int i=0; i<cipher.length();i++) {
d += ((cipher[i]-65-key+26) %26)+65;
return d;
int main()
std::cout << decrypt("WKLVLVJRRG", 3) << std::endl; // THISISGOOD
std::cout << decrypt("NBCMCMAIIX", 20) << std::endl; // THISISGOOD
我无法理解在这一行计算新字符 ASCII 代码所执行的操作:
d += ((cipher[i]-65-key+26) %26)+65;
- 第一次减法应该移动数字范围
- 然后我们将减去密钥,因为凯撒解密是如何定义的
- 我们加26来处理负数(?)
- 模块会限制输出,因为ASCII码的范围是26位长度
- 我们通过在末尾添加 65 回到原来的范围
d += (((cipher[i] - 65) + (26 - key)) % 26) + 65;
cipher[i] - 65
将 ASCII 范围 A
转换为整数范围 0..25
(cipher[i] - 65 + 26 - key) % 26
将该值向左旋转 key
(减去 key
模 26)
+ 65
将范围 0..25 移回 ASCII 范围 A
例如假设 key
为 2,A
变为 Y
变为 Z
变为 A
- 因此,使用“def”和 key=1,加密后的字符串将为“efg”。
- 然后使用 key=1 解密,将再次向左移动。结果:“def”
现在让我们看看溢出问题。目前,我们将仅从大写字符开始。字符具有关联代码。例如,在 ASCII 中,字母 'A' 编码为 65,'B' 编码为 66,依此类推。因为我们不想用这样的数字来计算,所以我们将它们归一化。我们只需从每个字符中减去 'A'。然后
- 'A' - 'A' = 0
- 'B' - 'A' = 1
- 'C' - 'A' = 2
- 'D' - 'A' = 3
你看到规律了。如果我们现在想用密钥 3 加密字母 'C',我们可以执行以下操作。
'C' - 'A' + 3 = 5 然后我们再次添加 'A' 来取回字母,我们将得到 5 + 'A' = 'F'
但是如何处理超出 'Z' 的溢出。这可以通过简单的模除法来处理。
让我们看看 'Z' + 1。我们做 'Z' - 'A' = 25,然后 +1 = 26 现在模 26 = 0 然后加上 'A' 将是 'A'
接下来,负键呢?这也很简单。假设 'A' 和 key=-1
结果将是 'Z'。但这与向右移动 25 是一样的。因此,我们可以简单地将负键转换为正键。简单的语句将是:
if (key < 0) key = (26 + (key % 26)) % 26;
然后我们可以用一个简单的 Lambda 调用我们的转换函数。一个函数用于加密和解密。只是用一个倒置的钥匙。
因此,key = (26 + (key % 26)) % 26;
一些扩展信息,如果您使用 ASCII 字符表示。请查看任何 ASCII table。你会看到任何大写和小写字符相差 32。或者,如果你查看二进制:
char dez bin char dez bin
'A' 65 0100 0001 'a' 97 0110 0001
'B' 66 0100 0010 'b' 98 0110 0010
'C' 67 0100 0011 'b' 99 0110 0011
. . .
是小写,我们可以得到这个通过屏蔽这一点。 c & 0b0010 0000
等于 c & 32
或 c & 0x20
如果我们想对大写或小写字符进行操作,我们可以将“大小写”屏蔽掉。使用 c & 0b00011111
或 c & 31
或 c & 0x1F
char dez bin Masking char dez bin Masking
'A' 65 0100 0001 & 0x1b = 1 'a' 97 0110 0001 & 0x1b = 1
'B' 66 0100 0010 & 0x1b = 2 'b' 98 0110 0010 & 0x1b = 2
'C' 67 0100 0011 & 0x1b = 3 'b' 99 0110 0011 & 0x1b = 3
. . .
因此,如果我们使用字母字符,将其屏蔽并减去 1,那么对于任何大写或小写字符,我们都会得到 0..25。
Shifting by -1 is same as shifting by +25
Shifting by -2 is same as shifting by +24
Shifting by -3 is same as shifting by +23
Shifting by -4 is same as shifting by +22
所以,很明显我们可以通过26 + key
对于正键,我们会溢出超过 26,我们可以通过模 26 除法来消除:
'A'--> 0 + 26 = 26 26 % 26 = 0
'B'--> 1 + 26 = 27 27 % 26 = 1
'C'--> 2 + 26 = 28 28 % 26 = 2
'D'--> 3 + 26 = 29 29 % 26 = 3
--> (c + key) % 26
将消除溢出并生成正确的新 en/decryptd 字符。
const char potentialLowerCaseIndicator = c & 0x20;
const char upperOrLower = c & 0x1F;
const char normalized = upperOrLower - 1;
const int withOffset = normalized + ((26+(key%26))%26);
const int withOverflowCompensation = withOffset % 26;
const char newUpperCaseCharacter = (char)withOverflowCompensation + 'A';
const char result = newUpperCaseCharacter | (potentialLowerCaseIndicator );
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cctype>
#include <iostream>
// Simple function for Caesar encyption/decyption
std::string caesar(const std::string& in, int key) {
std::string res(in.size(), ' ');
std::transform(in.begin(), in.end(), res.begin(), [&](char c) {return std::isalpha(c) ? (char)((((c & 31) - 1 + ((26 + (key % 26)) % 26)) % 26 + 65) | (c & 32)) : c; });
return res;
int main() {
std::string test{ "aBcDeF xYzZ" };
std::cout << caesar(test, 5);
std::string caesar1(const std::string& in, int key) {
std::string res(in.size(), ' ');
auto convert = [&](const char c) -> char {
char result = c;
if (std::isalpha(c)) {
// Handling of a negative key (Shift to left). Key will be converted to positive value
if (key < 0) {
// limit the key to 0,-1,...,-25
key = key % 26;
// Key was negative: Now we have someting between 0 and 26
key = 26 + key;
// Check and remember if the original character was lower case
const bool originalIsLower = std::islower(c);
// We want towork with uppercase only
const char upperCaseChar = (char)std::toupper(c);
// But, we want to start with 0 and not with 'A' (65)
const int normalized = upperCaseChar - 'A';
// Now add the key
const int shifted = normalized + key;
// Addition result maybe bigger then 25, so overflow. Cap it
const int capped = shifted % 26;
// Get back a character
const char convertedUppcase = (char)capped + 'A';
// And set back the original case
result = originalIsLower ? (char)std::tolower(convertedUppcase) : convertedUppcase;
return result;
std::transform(in.begin(), in.end(), res.begin(), convert);
return res;
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
string caesar(string in, int key) {
// Here we will store the resulting encrypted/decrypted string
string result{};
// Handling of a negative key (Shift to left). Key will be converted to positive value
if (key < 0) {
// limit the key to 0,-1,...,-25
key = key % 26;
// Key was negative: Now we have someting between 0 and 26
key = 26 + key;
// Read character by character from the string
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < in.length(); ++i) {
char c = in[i];
// CHeck for alpha character
if ((c >= 'A' and c <= 'Z') or (c >= 'a' and c <= 'z')) {
// Check and remember if the original character was lower case
bool originalIsLower = (c >= 'a' and c <= 'z');
// We want to work with uppercase only
char upperCaseChar = originalIsLower ? c - ('a' - 'A') : c;
// But, we want to start with 0 and not with 'A' (65)
int normalized = upperCaseChar - 'A';
// Now add the key
int shifted = normalized + key;
// Addition result maybe bigger then 25, so overflow. Cap it
int capped = shifted % 26;
// Get back a character
char convertedUppcase = (char)capped + 'A';
// And set back the original case
result += originalIsLower ? convertedUppcase + ('a' - 'A') : convertedUppcase;
result += c;
return result;
int main() {
string test{ "aBcDeF xYzZ" };
string encrypted = caesar(test, 5);
string decrypted = caesar(encrypted, -5);
cout << "Original: " << test << '\n';
cout << "Encrpyted: " << encrypted << '\n';
cout << "Decrpyted: " << decrypted << '\n';
#include <iostream>
std::string decrypt(std::string cipher, int key) {
std::string d = "";
for(int i=0; i<cipher.length();i++) {
d += ((cipher[i]-65-key+26) %26)+65;
return d;
int main()
std::cout << decrypt("WKLVLVJRRG", 3) << std::endl; // THISISGOOD
std::cout << decrypt("NBCMCMAIIX", 20) << std::endl; // THISISGOOD
我无法理解在这一行计算新字符 ASCII 代码所执行的操作:
d += ((cipher[i]-65-key+26) %26)+65;
- 第一次减法应该移动数字范围
- 然后我们将减去密钥,因为凯撒解密是如何定义的
- 我们加26来处理负数(?)
- 模块会限制输出,因为ASCII码的范围是26位长度
- 我们通过在末尾添加 65 回到原来的范围
d += (((cipher[i] - 65) + (26 - key)) % 26) + 65;
cipher[i] - 65
转换为整数范围 0..25(cipher[i] - 65 + 26 - key) % 26
模 26)+ 65
将范围 0..25 移回 ASCII 范围A
例如假设 key
为 2,A
变为 Y
变为 Z
变为 A
- 因此,使用“def”和 key=1,加密后的字符串将为“efg”。
- 然后使用 key=1 解密,将再次向左移动。结果:“def”
现在让我们看看溢出问题。目前,我们将仅从大写字符开始。字符具有关联代码。例如,在 ASCII 中,字母 'A' 编码为 65,'B' 编码为 66,依此类推。因为我们不想用这样的数字来计算,所以我们将它们归一化。我们只需从每个字符中减去 'A'。然后
- 'A' - 'A' = 0
- 'B' - 'A' = 1
- 'C' - 'A' = 2
- 'D' - 'A' = 3
你看到规律了。如果我们现在想用密钥 3 加密字母 'C',我们可以执行以下操作。
'C' - 'A' + 3 = 5 然后我们再次添加 'A' 来取回字母,我们将得到 5 + 'A' = 'F'
但是如何处理超出 'Z' 的溢出。这可以通过简单的模除法来处理。
让我们看看 'Z' + 1。我们做 'Z' - 'A' = 25,然后 +1 = 26 现在模 26 = 0 然后加上 'A' 将是 'A'
接下来,负键呢?这也很简单。假设 'A' 和 key=-1
结果将是 'Z'。但这与向右移动 25 是一样的。因此,我们可以简单地将负键转换为正键。简单的语句将是:
if (key < 0) key = (26 + (key % 26)) % 26;
然后我们可以用一个简单的 Lambda 调用我们的转换函数。一个函数用于加密和解密。只是用一个倒置的钥匙。
因此,key = (26 + (key % 26)) % 26;
一些扩展信息,如果您使用 ASCII 字符表示。请查看任何 ASCII table。你会看到任何大写和小写字符相差 32。或者,如果你查看二进制:
char dez bin char dez bin
'A' 65 0100 0001 'a' 97 0110 0001
'B' 66 0100 0010 'b' 98 0110 0010
'C' 67 0100 0011 'b' 99 0110 0011
. . .
是小写,我们可以得到这个通过屏蔽这一点。 c & 0b0010 0000
等于 c & 32
或 c & 0x20
如果我们想对大写或小写字符进行操作,我们可以将“大小写”屏蔽掉。使用 c & 0b00011111
或 c & 31
或 c & 0x1F
char dez bin Masking char dez bin Masking
'A' 65 0100 0001 & 0x1b = 1 'a' 97 0110 0001 & 0x1b = 1
'B' 66 0100 0010 & 0x1b = 2 'b' 98 0110 0010 & 0x1b = 2
'C' 67 0100 0011 & 0x1b = 3 'b' 99 0110 0011 & 0x1b = 3
. . .
因此,如果我们使用字母字符,将其屏蔽并减去 1,那么对于任何大写或小写字符,我们都会得到 0..25。
Shifting by -1 is same as shifting by +25
Shifting by -2 is same as shifting by +24
Shifting by -3 is same as shifting by +23
Shifting by -4 is same as shifting by +22
所以,很明显我们可以通过26 + key
对于正键,我们会溢出超过 26,我们可以通过模 26 除法来消除:
'A'--> 0 + 26 = 26 26 % 26 = 0
'B'--> 1 + 26 = 27 27 % 26 = 1
'C'--> 2 + 26 = 28 28 % 26 = 2
'D'--> 3 + 26 = 29 29 % 26 = 3
--> (c + key) % 26
将消除溢出并生成正确的新 en/decryptd 字符。
const char potentialLowerCaseIndicator = c & 0x20;
const char upperOrLower = c & 0x1F;
const char normalized = upperOrLower - 1;
const int withOffset = normalized + ((26+(key%26))%26);
const int withOverflowCompensation = withOffset % 26;
const char newUpperCaseCharacter = (char)withOverflowCompensation + 'A';
const char result = newUpperCaseCharacter | (potentialLowerCaseIndicator );
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cctype>
#include <iostream>
// Simple function for Caesar encyption/decyption
std::string caesar(const std::string& in, int key) {
std::string res(in.size(), ' ');
std::transform(in.begin(), in.end(), res.begin(), [&](char c) {return std::isalpha(c) ? (char)((((c & 31) - 1 + ((26 + (key % 26)) % 26)) % 26 + 65) | (c & 32)) : c; });
return res;
int main() {
std::string test{ "aBcDeF xYzZ" };
std::cout << caesar(test, 5);
std::string caesar1(const std::string& in, int key) {
std::string res(in.size(), ' ');
auto convert = [&](const char c) -> char {
char result = c;
if (std::isalpha(c)) {
// Handling of a negative key (Shift to left). Key will be converted to positive value
if (key < 0) {
// limit the key to 0,-1,...,-25
key = key % 26;
// Key was negative: Now we have someting between 0 and 26
key = 26 + key;
// Check and remember if the original character was lower case
const bool originalIsLower = std::islower(c);
// We want towork with uppercase only
const char upperCaseChar = (char)std::toupper(c);
// But, we want to start with 0 and not with 'A' (65)
const int normalized = upperCaseChar - 'A';
// Now add the key
const int shifted = normalized + key;
// Addition result maybe bigger then 25, so overflow. Cap it
const int capped = shifted % 26;
// Get back a character
const char convertedUppcase = (char)capped + 'A';
// And set back the original case
result = originalIsLower ? (char)std::tolower(convertedUppcase) : convertedUppcase;
return result;
std::transform(in.begin(), in.end(), res.begin(), convert);
return res;
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
string caesar(string in, int key) {
// Here we will store the resulting encrypted/decrypted string
string result{};
// Handling of a negative key (Shift to left). Key will be converted to positive value
if (key < 0) {
// limit the key to 0,-1,...,-25
key = key % 26;
// Key was negative: Now we have someting between 0 and 26
key = 26 + key;
// Read character by character from the string
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < in.length(); ++i) {
char c = in[i];
// CHeck for alpha character
if ((c >= 'A' and c <= 'Z') or (c >= 'a' and c <= 'z')) {
// Check and remember if the original character was lower case
bool originalIsLower = (c >= 'a' and c <= 'z');
// We want to work with uppercase only
char upperCaseChar = originalIsLower ? c - ('a' - 'A') : c;
// But, we want to start with 0 and not with 'A' (65)
int normalized = upperCaseChar - 'A';
// Now add the key
int shifted = normalized + key;
// Addition result maybe bigger then 25, so overflow. Cap it
int capped = shifted % 26;
// Get back a character
char convertedUppcase = (char)capped + 'A';
// And set back the original case
result += originalIsLower ? convertedUppcase + ('a' - 'A') : convertedUppcase;
result += c;
return result;
int main() {
string test{ "aBcDeF xYzZ" };
string encrypted = caesar(test, 5);
string decrypted = caesar(encrypted, -5);
cout << "Original: " << test << '\n';
cout << "Encrpyted: " << encrypted << '\n';
cout << "Decrpyted: " << decrypted << '\n';