从工厂模拟返回多个 unique_ptr

Returning multiple unique_ptr from factory mock

当无法通过对被调用函数的不同输入参数识别调用时,我如何 return 来自模拟工厂的多个对象 returning unique_ptr


EXPECT_CALL(MyFactoryMock, create())


[ FATAL ] /.../tools/googletest/1.8.0-57/include/gmock/gmock-actions.h:604:: Condition !performed_ failed. A ByMove() action should only be performed once.

只做一次同样的事情,使用 WillOnce,效果很好。


ByMove 旨在移动您在测试中准备的预定义值,因此只能调用一次。如果你需要别的东西,你需要明确地自己写。

以下是 googletest documentation 的摘录:

Quiz time! What do you think will happen if a Return(ByMove(...)) action is performed more than once (e.g. you write ... .WillRepeatedly(Return(ByMove(...)));)? Come think of it, after the first time the action runs, the source value will be consumed (since it’s a move-only value), so the next time around, there’s no value to move from – you’ll get a run-time error that Return(ByMove(...)) can only be run once.

If you need your mock method to do more than just moving a pre-defined value, remember that you can always use a lambda or a callable object, which can do pretty much anything you want:

  EXPECT_CALL(mock_buzzer_, MakeBuzz("x"))
      .WillRepeatedly([](StringPiece text) {
        return MakeUnique<Buzz>(AccessLevel::kInternal);

  EXPECT_NE(nullptr, mock_buzzer_.MakeBuzz("x"));  
  EXPECT_NE(nullptr, mock_buzzer_.MakeBuzz("x"));

Every time this EXPECT_CALL fires, a new unique_ptr<Buzz> will be created and returned. You cannot do this with Return(ByMove(...)).