仅使用名称的 Show 的替代方案
Alternative of Show that only uses name
是否有类似 Show(派生 Show)的东西只使用代数数据类型的构造函数? (请不要介意我使用的是构造函数这个词,我不知道正确的名称...)
这个问题的原因是,对于我的许多代数数据类型,我不想费心让它们的内容也派生 Show,但我仍然想获得一些关于所用构造函数的调试信息,而不必实现显示每个构造函数...
另一种方法是给我构造函数名称的函数,我可以在自己的 show 实现中使用它。
对于具有 Data.Data.Data
showConstr . toConstr :: Data a => a -> String
Prelude Data.Data> showConstr . toConstr $ Just 5
对于没有实现 Data
的类型,这是相当绝望的,因为您无法查看类型内部以了解它是如何实现的。但是由于您自己定义了这些类型,您只需确保它们有一个 Data 实例。如果您启用了 DeriveDataTypeable
,它会使用 deriving Data
仅适用于代数和透明的类型。您将无法为某个类型派生实例,例如,在其字段之一中包含一个函数。因此,这可能并没有像您希望的那样缓解 Show 的暴政:许多 Show 无法支持的类型也将被 Data 拒绝。 Generic 可以提供更通用的解决方案。我不是仿制药方面的专家,但 conNameOf
更明确的方法是通过 TemplateHaskell 创建自定义派生。以下代码描述了为给定数据类型生成自定义 Show
genShow :: Name -> Q [Dec]
genShow typName =
do -- Getting type definition
(TyConI d) <- reify typName -- Get all the information on the type
-- Extracting interesting info: type name, args and constructors
let unpackConstr c = case c of
NormalC cname args -> (cname, length args)
InfixC _ cname _ -> (cname, 2)
RecC cname args -> (cname, length args)
ForallC _ _ c -> unpackConstr c
_ -> error "you need to figure out GADTs yourself"
(type_name, targs, constructors) <-
case d of
d@(DataD _ name targs _ cs _) ->
return (name, targs, map unpackConstr cs)
d@(NewtypeD _ name targs _ con _) ->
return (name, targs, [unpackConstr con])
_ -> error ("derive: not a data type declaration: " ++ show d)
-- Extracting name from type args
let targName targ = case targ of
PlainTV tvname _ -> tvname
KindedTV tvname _ _ -> tvname
-- Manually building AST for an instance.
-- Essentially, we match on every constructor and make our `show`
-- return it as a string result.
i_dec <- instanceD (cxt [])
(appT (conT (mkName "Show")) (foldl appT (conT type_name)
(map (varT . targName) targs)))
[funD (mkName "show") (flip map constructors $ \constr ->
let myArgs = [conP (fst constr) $ map (const wildP) [1..snd constr]]
myBody = normalB $ stringE $ nameBase $ fst constr
in clause myArgs myBody []
return [i_dec]
data MyData = D Int | X
$(genShow ''MyData)
...你可以愉快地 show
它。请注意,两个代码片段 必须 放在单独的模块中,并且您需要使用 TemplateHaskell
我从 this article 中获得了很多灵感。
-- >> Anonymous 120320
-- Anonymous
-- >> User "Iðunn" 242424
-- User
data User
= User String Int
| Anonymous Int
stock Generic
deriving Show
via OnlyConstructors User
type OnlyConstructors :: Type -> Type
newtype OnlyConstructors a = OnlyConstructors a
instance (Generic a, GNames (GHC.Generics.Rep a)) => Show (OnlyConstructors a) where
showsPrec :: Int -> OnlyConstructors a -> ShowS
showsPrec _ (OnlyConstructors a) = gnames (from a)
type GNames :: (Type -> Type) -> Constraint
class GNames rep where
gnames :: rep () -> ShowS
instance GNames rep => GNames (D1 meta rep) where
gnames :: D1 meta rep () -> ShowS
gnames (M1 rep) = gnames rep
instance GNames V1 where
gnames :: V1 () -> ShowS
gnames = \case
instance (GNamesProd rep, GNames rep') => GNames (rep :+: rep') where
gnames :: (rep :+: rep') () -> ShowS
gnames (L1 as) = gnamesProd as
gnames (R1 bs) = gnames bs
instance GNamesProd (C1 meta rep) => GNames (C1 meta rep) where
gnames :: C1 meta rep () -> ShowS
gnames = gnamesProd
type GNamesProd :: (Type -> Type) -> Constraint
class GNamesProd rep where
gnamesProd :: rep () -> ShowS
instance (KnownSymbol cons, meta ~ MetaCons cons fixity sel) => GNamesProd (C1 meta rep) where
gnamesProd :: C1 (MetaCons cons fixity sel) rep () -> ShowS
gnamesProd (M1 as) = showString (symbolVal @cons Proxy)
是否有类似 Show(派生 Show)的东西只使用代数数据类型的构造函数? (请不要介意我使用的是构造函数这个词,我不知道正确的名称...)
这个问题的原因是,对于我的许多代数数据类型,我不想费心让它们的内容也派生 Show,但我仍然想获得一些关于所用构造函数的调试信息,而不必实现显示每个构造函数...
另一种方法是给我构造函数名称的函数,我可以在自己的 show 实现中使用它。
对于具有 Data.Data.Data
showConstr . toConstr :: Data a => a -> String
Prelude Data.Data> showConstr . toConstr $ Just 5
对于没有实现 Data
的类型,这是相当绝望的,因为您无法查看类型内部以了解它是如何实现的。但是由于您自己定义了这些类型,您只需确保它们有一个 Data 实例。如果您启用了 DeriveDataTypeable
deriving Data
仅适用于代数和透明的类型。您将无法为某个类型派生实例,例如,在其字段之一中包含一个函数。因此,这可能并没有像您希望的那样缓解 Show 的暴政:许多 Show 无法支持的类型也将被 Data 拒绝。 Generic 可以提供更通用的解决方案。我不是仿制药方面的专家,但 conNameOf
更明确的方法是通过 TemplateHaskell 创建自定义派生。以下代码描述了为给定数据类型生成自定义 Show
genShow :: Name -> Q [Dec]
genShow typName =
do -- Getting type definition
(TyConI d) <- reify typName -- Get all the information on the type
-- Extracting interesting info: type name, args and constructors
let unpackConstr c = case c of
NormalC cname args -> (cname, length args)
InfixC _ cname _ -> (cname, 2)
RecC cname args -> (cname, length args)
ForallC _ _ c -> unpackConstr c
_ -> error "you need to figure out GADTs yourself"
(type_name, targs, constructors) <-
case d of
d@(DataD _ name targs _ cs _) ->
return (name, targs, map unpackConstr cs)
d@(NewtypeD _ name targs _ con _) ->
return (name, targs, [unpackConstr con])
_ -> error ("derive: not a data type declaration: " ++ show d)
-- Extracting name from type args
let targName targ = case targ of
PlainTV tvname _ -> tvname
KindedTV tvname _ _ -> tvname
-- Manually building AST for an instance.
-- Essentially, we match on every constructor and make our `show`
-- return it as a string result.
i_dec <- instanceD (cxt [])
(appT (conT (mkName "Show")) (foldl appT (conT type_name)
(map (varT . targName) targs)))
[funD (mkName "show") (flip map constructors $ \constr ->
let myArgs = [conP (fst constr) $ map (const wildP) [1..snd constr]]
myBody = normalB $ stringE $ nameBase $ fst constr
in clause myArgs myBody []
return [i_dec]
data MyData = D Int | X
$(genShow ''MyData)
...你可以愉快地 show
它。请注意,两个代码片段 必须 放在单独的模块中,并且您需要使用 TemplateHaskell
我从 this article 中获得了很多灵感。
-- >> Anonymous 120320
-- Anonymous
-- >> User "Iðunn" 242424
-- User
data User
= User String Int
| Anonymous Int
stock Generic
deriving Show
via OnlyConstructors User
type OnlyConstructors :: Type -> Type
newtype OnlyConstructors a = OnlyConstructors a
instance (Generic a, GNames (GHC.Generics.Rep a)) => Show (OnlyConstructors a) where
showsPrec :: Int -> OnlyConstructors a -> ShowS
showsPrec _ (OnlyConstructors a) = gnames (from a)
type GNames :: (Type -> Type) -> Constraint
class GNames rep where
gnames :: rep () -> ShowS
instance GNames rep => GNames (D1 meta rep) where
gnames :: D1 meta rep () -> ShowS
gnames (M1 rep) = gnames rep
instance GNames V1 where
gnames :: V1 () -> ShowS
gnames = \case
instance (GNamesProd rep, GNames rep') => GNames (rep :+: rep') where
gnames :: (rep :+: rep') () -> ShowS
gnames (L1 as) = gnamesProd as
gnames (R1 bs) = gnames bs
instance GNamesProd (C1 meta rep) => GNames (C1 meta rep) where
gnames :: C1 meta rep () -> ShowS
gnames = gnamesProd
type GNamesProd :: (Type -> Type) -> Constraint
class GNamesProd rep where
gnamesProd :: rep () -> ShowS
instance (KnownSymbol cons, meta ~ MetaCons cons fixity sel) => GNamesProd (C1 meta rep) where
gnamesProd :: C1 (MetaCons cons fixity sel) rep () -> ShowS
gnamesProd (M1 as) = showString (symbolVal @cons Proxy)