all_tab_partitions 中的 partition_position 是什么

what is partition_position in all_tab_partitions

任何人都可以解释 all_tab_partitions 中的 partition_position 是什么。


SELECT partition_position
              FROM all_tab_partitions tp
             WHERE tp.table_owner = ? AND
                   tp.table_name = ? AND
                   tp.partition_name = ?

到 Postgres。


Column Datatype Description
PARTITION_POSITION NUMBER Position of the partition within the table

我不知道如何(如果 无论如何)它可以从 Oracle 转换为 PostgreSQL。

PostgreSQL 在 table 的分区列表中没有顺序的概念,事实上它在所有情况下都没有意义。如果分区键是一种没有总排序的数据类型,比如 polygon 怎么办?我承认这是一种不常见的分区依据数据类型,但它可以与列表分区一起使用。

您可以像下面这样转换 oracle 查询(也许不是这样,但我认为它对您有帮助):

Postgres 没有 partition_position 列,应根据 table 对象 ID

WITH partition_info as (
    SELECT nmsp_parent.nspname                                                AS parent_schema,
           parent.relname                                                     AS parent,
           owner_parent.rolname                                               AS parent_owner,
           nmsp_child.nspname                                                 AS child_schema,
           child.relname                                                      AS child,
           owner_child.rolname                                                AS child_owner,
           row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY parent.relname ORDER BY child.oid) AS partition_position
    FROM pg_inherits
             JOIN pg_class parent ON pg_inherits.inhparent = parent.oid
             JOIN pg_class child ON pg_inherits.inhrelid = child.oid
             JOIN pg_namespace nmsp_parent ON nmsp_parent.oid = parent.relnamespace
             JOIN pg_namespace nmsp_child ON nmsp_child.oid = child.relnamespace
             JOIN pg_authid owner_parent ON owner_parent.oid = parent.relowner
             JOIN pg_authid owner_child ON owner_child.oid = child.relowner
SELECT partition_position
FROM partition_info
WHERE child_owner = ?      -- table_owner
  AND parent = ?           -- partition_name
  AND child = ?            -- table_name