VBA 检查整行多维变体是否为空且无循环

VBA check if whole row of multidimensional variant is empty without loops


我的多维数组/变体有 n 行和 m 列。

我能想到的唯一方法是遍历(特定行的)列并使用 IsEmpty() 函数来确定单元格是否为空。





Sub Test()

Dim myarr() As Variant, indx As Long

myarr = Range("A8:C20").Value 'Or however you initialize your array.
indx = 1 'Or whichever row you would want to check.

With Application
    Debug.Print Join(.Index(myarr, indx, 0), "") <> ""
End With

End Sub


不,没有更快的方法,特别是考虑到 VBA 中的数组按列存储在内存中。单行上的值不会像列值那样相邻存储在内存中 - 您可以通过 运行 数组上的 For Each 循环轻松测试这一点。

话虽这么说,您或许应该考虑使用 Function 检查特定行是否为空,以便您可以重复调用它,并在需要时检查空字符串。例如,一系列返回“”的公式不会为空,但您可能希望能够将它们视为空。


Public Function Is2DArrayRowEmpty(ByRef arr As Variant _
                                , ByVal rowIndex As Long _
                                , Optional ByVal ignoreEmptyStrings As Boolean = False _
) As Boolean
    Const methodName As String = "Is2DArrayRowEmpty"
    If GetArrayDimsCount(arr) <> 2 Then
        Err.Raise 5, methodName, "Array is not two-dimensional"
    ElseIf rowIndex < LBound(arr, 1) Or rowIndex > UBound(arr, 1) Then
        Err.Raise 5, methodName, "Row Index out of bounds"
    End If
    Dim j As Long
    Dim v As Variant
    For j = LBound(arr, 2) To UBound(arr, 2)
        v = arr(rowIndex, j)
        Select Case VBA.VarType(v)
        Case VbVarType.vbEmpty
            'Continue to next element
        Case VbVarType.vbString
            If Not ignoreEmptyStrings Then Exit Function
            If LenB(v) > 0 Then Exit Function
        Case Else
            Exit Function
        End Select
    Next j
    Is2DArrayRowEmpty = True 'If code reached this line then row is Empty
End Function

Public Function GetArrayDimsCount(ByRef arr As Variant) As Long
    If Not IsArray(arr) Then Exit Function
    Const MAX_DIMENSION As Long = 60
    Dim dimension As Long
    Dim tempBound As Long
    'A zero-length array has 1 dimension! Ex. Array() returns (0 to -1)
    On Error GoTo FinalDimension
    For dimension = 1 To MAX_DIMENSION
        tempBound = LBound(arr, dimension)
    Next dimension
Exit Function
    GetArrayDimsCount = dimension - 1
End Function

请注意,我没有检查 IsObject,因为您的值来自 Excel 的范围,但在一般情况下您通常会检查它。

您的伪代码 IsEmpty(myarr(1,*)) 可以翻译为:

Is2DArrayRowEmpty(myarr, 1, False) 'Empty strings would not be considered Empty

Is2DArrayRowEmpty(myarr, 1, True) 'Empty strings would be considered Empty