如果没有静态内联,函数中的默认参数不会 compile/link

Default parameter in a function wouldnt compile/link without static inline

我正在用 C++ 编写 BST class 并想向函数添加默认参数但是,当我尝试 visual studio 编译器时给出了编译和链接错误,所以过了一会儿通过谷歌搜索,我将根变量设置为静态内联并且它起作用了,我想知道在这种特定情况下静态内联会发生什么变化。

这是 BST class 代码:

#pragma once

template<typename T>
class BST
   template<typename T>
   struct node
    T data;
    node<T>* left;
    node<T>* right;

    node(T d)
        data = d;
        left = right = nullptr;


    root = nullptr;

    delete root;

node<T>* insert(T d)
    if (root == nullptr)
        root = new node<T>(d);

        return root;
    node<T>* current = root;
    node<T>* k = nullptr;

    while (current != nullptr)
        k = current;

        if (current->data > d)
            current = current->left;
        else if (current->data < d)
            current = current->right;

    if (k->data > d)
        k->left = new node<T>(d);
    else if (k->data < d)
        k->right = new node<T>(d);

    return root;

bool find(T d)
    if (root == nullptr)
        std::cerr << "Tree is empty! : ";

        return false;

    node<T>* current = root;
    node<T>* k = nullptr;

    while (current->data != d)
        k = current;

        if (current->left == nullptr || current->right == nullptr && current->data != d)
            std::cout << "Not Found! : ";
            return false;

        if (current->data > d)
            current = current->left;
        else if (current->data < d)
            current = current->right;

    return true;

node<T>* findmax()
    node<T>* temp = root;
    while (temp->right != nullptr)
        temp = temp->right;

    return temp;

node<T>* findmin(node<T>* temp = root)
    while (temp->left != nullptr)
        temp = temp->left;

    return temp;

static inline node<T>* root;


根据 C++ 20 标准( 默认参数)

  1. ...A non-static member shall not appear in a default argument unless it appears as the id-expression of a class member access expression ( or unless it is used to form a pointer to member

因此,当数据成员 root 未声明为静态时,此函数声明带有默认参数

node<T>* findmin(node<T>* temp = root)



node<T>* findmin(node<T>* temp = nullptr )

在这种情况下,您可以在函数中检查参数 temp 是否为空指针,如果是,您可以使用指针 root.



The keyword this shall not be used in a default argument of a member function

并且 class 的非静态成员绑定到 this(即 root 等同于 this->root)。更多关于默认参数限制 here.


node<T>* findmin(node<T>* temp = nullptr)
    if (temp == nullptr) temp = root;
